How many eggs can you eat per day, how useful or harmful they are to the body?

For a long time it was considered, that consuming large amounts of eggs increases the risk heart attack and atherosclerosis. However, recent studies show, that eggs may even protect against these diseases.

Eggs still have a pretty bad rap.. This is due to numerous studies, who classified eggs as food, which contains a lot of cholesterol. It's common knowledge, what excess cholesterol in the blood, leads to its deposits in the vessels and, thus, may cause heart attack and stroke.

New Research

However, new research shows, that eggs can actually reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack. According to research, people, who ate up to five eggs a week, had an approximately ten percent lower risk of these diseases, than people, whose eggs were included in the menu only in exceptional cases.

However, before, how do you include eggs in your daily diet, know, another study confirms eggs' bad reputation.

Conflicting results have arisen, among other things, because of, that most studies did not examine the question of the menu of the subjects and their physical activity. As it is known, Cholesterol levels can be lowered with high-fiber fruits and vegetables, as well as through sports.

Cholesterol levels are less dependent on food, than expected

Besides, out, how quickly fat is broken down in the blood, conversely, deposited on the walls of blood vessels, influence genes. Some people eat three fried eggs a day., and their cholesterol levels remain within the normal range. extreme example: 88-a year old man regularly ate even 25 eggs per day, felt healthy, had no excessively high blood lipid levels and no evidence of atherosclerosis! Intestinal absorption of cholesterol was significantly reduced, apparently, due to genetics.

Sure, this man is an exception, not a role model. Because there are other people, who rarely eat eggs, but struggling with high blood lipids.

Finally, Diet doesn't play as much of a role in cholesterol levels: such products, like eggs, responsible only for 25 percent of blood lipids. Most cholesterol is produced by the liver, therefore, blood lipids are constantly present in the body, even if they don't come from outside.

Three to four eggs a week is not a problem for healthy people.

So nutritionists agreed not to demonize eggs in principle, but to rehabilitate them and even recommend them as part of a healthy diet.

For healthy people, who do not have heart disease, high blood lipids or diabetes, the benchmark is three to four eggs a week. The Swedish study showed, that up to six eggs a week does not increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. According to data analysis, topics, who ate more eggs, perhaps, face the negative consequences.

If you want to know the exact amount of cholesterol in the blood, you can check your lipid levels with a test at your doctor's office.

However, attention should be paid to the preparation of eggs: eggs, soft-boiled, best absorbed. However, if you fry scrambled eggs in lard, also with bacon, the body gets a lot of saturated fat, such as cholesterol. Food can be hard on the stomach, and blood fat levels will actually rise. On the other hand, if you fry the eggs in high quality vegetable oil and, eg, mix them with chopped tomatoes and other vegetables, you will receive a complete, food rich in vitamins. As for cholesterol, it's not just the eggs that matter, but also the general food concept.

Miracle egg with valuable vital substances

Generally, eggs are healthier, than expected. Depending on their size, they only provide from 70 to 90 kilocalories per piece, but they satisfy hunger well and contain a whole range of important and vital substances, such as:

  • Seven to Eight Grams of High-Quality Protein in One Egg for Energy and Muscle Growth
  • Vitamins A, IN 2, D and E, i.e. all important vitamins, besides vitamin C.
  • Antioxidants, such as lutein
  • Iron, zinc, Selenium, calcium, sodium and potassium

Last but not least, eggs also contain lecithin. This substance is found in natural cell membranes and can slow down the absorption of cholesterol in the body..

Shelf life: how long do eggs stay fresh

Fresh eggs can be stored for about a month at cool room temperature.. But it's best to store them in the refrigerator., at seven degrees.

Boiled eggs only last about two weeks.

Freshness test for eggs takes only three seconds

Very easy to determine, Are raw eggs really fresh?. Dip the egg in water. If it's fresh, it will sink to the bottom. Eggs, usable ones already contain some air and will therefore peek out of the water a bit. If the egg is already spoiled and inedible, it almost completely floats to the surface. If a stale egg is broken, you can immediately feel the typical, unpleasant smell “rotten eggs” (smell of hydrogen sulfide).

By the way, in hard-boiled eggs, you can also determine the approximate age: fresh eggs are hard to peel. In slightly stale, the yolk is on the edge and an air chamber is formed.. By the way, green border, which can often be seen around the yolk, does not mean, that the egg is spoiled. If it was cooked for a very long time, the content of the yolk and egg white react with each other, which causes color change.

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