Vegan diet: where to begin, What are the health benefits of cutting out animal foods?

A vegan diet is a type of vegetarian diet., completely free of animal products, like eggs, honey and dairy products.

Some vegans choose diet for health reasons , but many people eat plant foods for ethical reasons, such as avoidance of cruelty to animals.

Health benefits of a vegan diet

The vegan diet is entirely plant-based.: whole grains, pulse, fruits and vegetables, which are often missing from other people's diets. Vegan diet, usually, contains a lot of fiber, vitamin C, Magnesium, iron and folic acid, and fewer calories and saturated fats.

Diets high in plant foods are associated with improved heart health and reduced risk of diabetes 2 type. Probably, it will be easier to lose excess fat and maintain a healthy weight. Avoiding red and processed meats may also reduce the risk Colon Cancer.

How to start a vegan diet

If you are on an ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet, you already have a good idea, what to avoid, because you are a vegetarian. There is a wide selection of plant-based cheeses, and you can replace regular milk with almond or soy. There are even vegan egg substitutes., available for cooking and baking. Pure maple syrup is a suitable substitute for honey.

It's somewhat harder to become a vegan for a person., accustomed to regular food. There are several things, to be remembered. At first, you need to decide, what to do with all the non-vegan food in your house. If you live on your own or with a vegan, you can donate non-vegan products to friends or those in need.

Next, you need to learn how to read labels correctly., since the products, that look vegan, they may not be. Whole grain bread with honey? This is not a vegan product, because it contains honey. Ready-made vegetable soup may seem like a vegan product, but if it is cooked with chicken or beef, this is not true.

Thus, vegan diet, certainly, requires willpower, and it may take a long time, to completely get used to not eating meat, cheese and other products, that you have been eating for years.

But it normal. In time you'll understand it. Buy Ingredients, suitable for vegans, and cook most of the food at home, take a vegan lunch to work.

Benefits of a Vegan Diet

Intake of essential nutrients

If you switch from a typical diet to a vegan, you exclude meat and animal products.

This will inevitably lead to, that you will have to rely more on other products. Whole Food Vegetarian Diet Uses Meat Substitutes, in the form of whole grains, fruit, vegetables, beans, peas, nuts and seeds.

Since these foods make up a large part of the vegan diet, than a typical diet, they can help increase your daily intake of certain beneficial nutrients.

For example, several studies report, what are vegan diets, usually, contain more fiber, antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds. They also contain a high content of potassium, Magnesium, folic acid and vitamin A, And (e).

A vegan diet will help you lose weight

More and more people are turning to vegetarian diets as a way to lose weight..

Many observational studies show, what vegans, usually, thinner and have a lower body mass index (BMI), than non-vegans.

Besides, Several randomized controlled trials report, that vegan diets are more effective for weight loss, than conventional diets, with which they were compared.

In one study, a vegan diet helped participants lose weight 4,2 kg more, than the control diet over the 18-week study period.

Interesting, that vegan dieters lose more weight, than people, those on a reduced calorie diet, even if vegan groups are allowed to eat until then, until they feel full.

A recent small study, comparing weight loss effects of five different diets, came to the conclusion, that vegetarian and vegan diets are accepted by the body just as well, both semi-vegetarian and regular.

Even if they didn't diet perfectly, vegetarian and vegan groups still lost a little more weight, than, who was on a standard diet.

Vegan Diet Benefits Blood and Liver Sugar Levels

Vegan diets may also benefit the sick diabetes 2 type and people with decreased kidney function.

Vegans have lower blood sugar levels, insulin sensitivity is higher and up to 50-78% lower risk of developing diabetes 2 type.

Studies even report, that vegan diets lower blood sugar levels in diabetics more, than DGD diets (German Diabetes Society).

In one study 43% who were on a vegan diet were able to reduce the dose of medication, reducing blood sugar levels, compared to just 26% in Group, who was on a diet, recommended DGD.

Other studies report, that replacing meat with vegetable protein for diabetics may reduce the risk of poor kidney function.

Besides, several studies report, that a vegan diet can completely eliminate the systemic symptoms of distal polyneuropathy: condition of diabetics, causing sharp burning pain.

Vegan diet and cancer protection

According to the World Health Organization, about a third of all cancers can be prevented by factors, under your control, including diet.

For example, regular consumption of legumes can reduce the risk of colon cancer by about 9-18%.

Studies also show, that eating at least seven servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day reduces the risk of dying from cancer to 15%.

Usually, vegans eat a lot more legumes, fruits and vegetables, than non-vegans. This may explain, why a recent review 96 research has shown, what vegans on 15% less at risk of developing cancer or dying from cancer.

Besides, vegan diets, usually, contain more soy products, which may provide some protection against breast cancer.

Avoiding certain animal products may also help reduce the risk of prostate cancer, Breast Cancer and Colon Cancer.

This may be related to, that vegan diets do not include smoked or processed meats, which has been cooked at high temperatures and which, believed, contributes to the development of certain types of cancer. Vegans also avoid dairy, what, as some studies show, may slightly increase the risk of prostate cancer.

Besides, there is also data, that dairy products may reduce the risk of other types of cancer, such as colon cancer. Hence, probably, that avoiding dairy products is not a factor, reducing the overall risk of cancer in vegans.

It is important to note, that these studies are observational in nature.. They fail to pinpoint the exact cause., why vegans are less likely to get cancer.

But, until researchers know more, appropriate to focus on, to eat more fresh fruit every day, vegetables and legumes, limiting consumption of processed, smoked and boiled meat.

Vegan diet lowers risk of heart disease

Fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes and fiber linked to lower risk of heart disease.

These are all commonly eaten in large quantities during planned vegan diets..

observational studies, comparing vegans to vegetarians and the general population, report, that vegans have a lower risk of developing high blood pressure, to 75%.

Also, deaths from heart disease in vegans are less than 42%.

Besides, Several randomized controlled trials report, that a vegan diet is much more effective at lowering blood sugar levels, LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol, than diets, with which they are compared.

It may be especially beneficial for heart health., because the high pressure drop , cholesterol and blood sugar levels can reduce the risk of heart disease by 46%.

Compared to the general population, vegans also consume more whole grains and nuts, good for the heart.

Vegan diet relieves arthritis pain

Several studies report, that a vegan diet is beneficial for people with different types of arthritis.

One study randomly assigned 40 participants with arthritis to either eat their regular food., or switch to a vegan diet within 6 weeks.

People, those on a vegan diet, reported feeling better, than, who hasn't changed their diet.

Two other studies examined the effect of a vegan diet with probiotics and raw food on rheumatoid arthritis symptoms..

Both reported, that participants in the vegan group experienced a significant reduction in such symptoms, like pain, joint swelling and morning stiffness, than, who continued to consume regular food.

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