Polysomnography – Sleep Study

Description polysomnography

Polysomnography – Study cycles and behavior during sleep. The measurements are usually conducted in a hospital in a special ward for the night. This study includes the observation during sleep, a continuous recording of brain waves (elektroentsefallogramma), muscle activity (DOH), breath, eye movements and heart rate.

Полисомнография - Исследование сна

Reasons for polysomnography

This study helps to assess sleep problems, such as:

  • Insomnia;
  • Stopping breathing during sleep (apnea);
  • The sudden falling asleep during the day (Narcolepsy);
  • Nightmares and sleepwalking;
  • Problems with the movement of the hands or feet during sleep.

How is sleep study?

Preparation for the procedure

  • Wash your hair, but do not use sprays, oils, or air conditioning;
  • On the night before the test can be eaten as usual;
  • Do not drink alcohol or caffeinated beverages or take sleeping pills before polysomnogram;
  • Tell your doctor about taking any medications. We need to ask, whether to continue to accept them;
  • Wear comfortable clothing to the survey.

Procedure sleep study

You should come to the hospital in the evening. Then you will be directed to a room, which will sleep. To head, legs and chest electrodes are attached. On the chest, from the nose and mouth, on the finger set additional sensors. Before going to bed, you can relax. While you will be able to move and turn over during sleep, you may be asked to try to sleep in a certain position of at least part of the night.

Before turning off the light technician check the sensor, To make sure, they normally work. The technician will also be watching you at night with a video camera. This is the case, if the sensor mounting weakened and this problem should be eliminated. The technician can go overnight, to check or fix sensors. Also at night it can be enabled device to maintain continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP).

In some cases, the doctor may perform additional tests to detect narkolepsii.Test called multiple test latency to sleep (MSLT test). You will need to stay in the hospital the next day. This will be offered to try to take a nap during the 20 minutes every two hours. It will be measured by time, necessary, to sleep and time, required, Sleep began to stage, It called rapid eye movement.

After polysomnography

On the morning of the sensors will be removed. In most cases, you will be able to do daily activities.

After the procedure, be sure to follow your doctor's instructions.

How long will polysomnography?

About 10-12 hours.

Polysomnography – Will it hurt?


The study of sleep

The results of this test are usually available immediately. Sometimes the data processing may be needed for two weeks. The doctor examines the data graphs sleep stages and notes abnormal breathing and leg movements. After that is possible to determine the cause of sleep problems.

Contact your doctor after polysomnography

After the sleep study should be no side effects or complications. Call a doctor, If you have any questions about the procedure.

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