NEYROBYON (The solution for the / m)

Active material: Цianokoʙalamin, Pyridoxine, Thiamin
When ATH: A11DB
CCF: The complex B vitamins
ICD-10 codes (testimony): B02.2, G50.0, G51, M42, M54.1, M54.3, M54.4, R52.0, R52.2
When CSF: 02.11.01
Manufacturer: MERCK KGaA (Germany)

Pharmaceutical form, composition and packaging

The solution for the / m of red color, clear.

1 amp.
thiamine hydrochloride (wreathed. B1)100 mg
pyridoxine hydrochloride (wreathed. B6)100 mg
цianokoʙalamin (wreathed. B12)1 mg

Excipients: potassium cyanide, benzyl alcohol, sodium hydroxide solution, water d / and.

3 ml – vials of dark glass (3) – packings Valium planimetric (1) – packs cardboard.


Pharmacological action

The complex B vitamins. Vitamins contained in the product – thiamine (B1), pyridoxine (IN6) and cyanocobalamin (IN12) – They play a special role as a coenzyme in the intermediate metabolism, flowing in the central and peripheral nervous system.

A special role in the metabolic processes of the nervous system plays a combined action of vitamins B vitamins1, IN6 and in12, which justifies the use of joint. The combined use of B vitamins accelerates regeneration of damaged nerve fibers. Proved, that the efficacy of the combination is superior to single component. Like other vitamins, These B vitamins are essential nutrients, can not be synthesized directly in the body.

Therapeutic use of these vitamins in different diseases of the nervous system is aimed at, that, one side, There is insufficient to compensate for (possibly due to the increased needs of the organism, directly caused by disease) and, on the other hand, to stimulate the natural repair mechanisms of the nervous tissue. It is also proven analgesic effect of the complex of B vitamins, has a beneficial effect on therapeutic outcome.



The data on the pharmacokinetics Neyrobion not provided.



In the treatment of nervous system disorders of various origins:

- Neuralgia nerve troynichnogo;

- Paresis of the facial nerve;

- Pain, caused by diseases of the spine (mezhrebernaya neuralgia, lumbar syndrome, cervical syndrome, syndrome, shoulder-brush, radicular syndrome, caused by degenerative changes of the spine);

- Lyumbago, sciatica;

- Herpes zoster.


Dosage regimen

The drug is introduced into / m (deep injection into the buttock).

In cases severe pain syndrome treatment it is advisable to start with the / m 3 ml (1 amp.)/day to relieve acute symptoms.

After the reduction of symptoms or in case of pain of moderate severity the drug is administered by 3 ml (1 amp.) 2-3 once a week for 2-3 weeks.

For maintenance therapy, for the prevention of recurrence or continuation of ongoing treatment is recommended taking the drug Neyrobion inside in the form of tablets.


Side effect

For parenteral administration of vitamin B1: in some cases – Sweating, tachycardia and allergic reactions such as itching and rashes; rarely – hypersensitivity reactions: rash, labored breathing, anaphylactic shock (after parenteral administration of vitamin B1).

For parenteral administration (primarily, The on / in infusions) vitamin B12: in some cases – acne, eczema and urticaria.



- Children's age;

- Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.


Pregnancy and lactation

We do not recommend the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation.



The drug should not be administered in /.

Other vitamins, especially cyanocobalamin, can be inactivated in the presence of degradation products of vitamin B1 .

The clinical picture, and laboratory tests at the funicular myelosis or pernicious anemia may lose its specificity when administered vitamin B12.



Vitamins B1, IN6 and in12 They have a wide therapeutic range.

The on / in a vitamin in high doses for a long time (more 2 Months) may experience symptoms of intoxication.


After administration of vitamin B1 dose, higher than recommended in more than 100 time: headache, muscle spasm, muscular weakness, paralysis, arrhythmia, allergic reactions.

After administration of vitamin B6 high doses neuropathy observed with ataxia, sensitivity disorders, epileptiform seizures with EEG changes. After a dose of more than 2 g / day were described cases of hypochromic anemia and seborrheic dermatitis.

After injecting B12 high dose allergic reactions, eczematous skin disorders and benign form of acne.

Treatment: stop taking the drug; If necessary, designate symptomatic therapy, incl. desensitizing.


Drug Interactions

In an application with levodopa vitamin B6 may reduce the effect of levodopa antiparkinsonian.

Increased need for vitamin B6 may occur with concomitant administration of D-penicillamine and cycloserine.

Do not mix the drug with other drugs in the same syringe.

Vitamin B1 destroyed by reaction with solutions of, containing sulfites.


Conditions of supply of pharmacies

The drug is released under the prescription.


Conditions and terms

The drug should be stored in the dark, inaccessible to children at temperature not exceeding 20 ° C. Shelf life – 3 year.

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