
When ATH:

Pharmacological action.

Makes up for the deficiency of vitamin B1, metabolic, immunostimulant, antioksidantnoe, ganglion-blocking.


Hypovitaminosis and beriberi B1 (incl. patients, located on tube feeding, of gemodialize, suffering from malabsorption syndrome), сниженное поступление витамина в организм — нарушение всасывания в кишечнике, starvation, Saint Martin's evil, expressed human liver, thyrotoxicosis, повышенная потребность в витамине — беременность, lactation, intensive growth; neuritis, radiculitis, neuralgia, peripheral paresis or paralysis, bowel atony, miokardiodistrofija, dermatosis, lichen, psoriasis, eczema, intoxication.



Side effects.

Аллергические реакции — отек Квинке, hives, itching.


It weakens the effect of depolarizing muscle relaxants (ditilina et al.). Pyridoxine inhibits the conversion of thiamine in thiamine pyrophosphate, strengthens allergy. Pharmaceutical incompatible (in the same syringe) penicillin, Streptomycin, nicotinic acid.

Dosing and Administration.

Inside (after meal) and parenterally. Доза при приеме внутрь составляет для взрослых 10 мг 1–3 (to 5) once a day. Children under 3 years appoint 5 mg a day; 3-8 years 5 mg 3 once a day one day; senior 8 years - 10 мг 1–3 раза в день. The course of treatment - usually 30 days. Start parenteral administration is recommended with small doses (no more 0,5 ml 5% or 6% solution), and only if tolerated administered higher doses.

В/м взрослым — по 0,02–0,05 г тиамина хлорида (1 ml 2,5% or 5% solution) или 0,03–0,06 г тиамина бромида (1 ml 3% or 6% solution) 1 once a day everyday. Children - 0,0125 г тиамина хлорида (0,5 ml 2,5% solution) or 0,015 г тиамина бромида (0,5 ml 3% solution). Курс — 10–30 инъекций.

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