KOMPLYVYT ophthalmia

Active material: Combined preparation
When ATH: A11AA04
CCF: The complex of vitamins and trace elements to the plant carotenoids, used at high loads on the eye
ICD-10 codes (testimony): E50-E64, H53.1
When CSF:
Manufacturer: OAO Pharmstandard-UfaVITA (Russia)

Pharmaceutical form, composition and packaging

Pills, Film-coated from pinkish-orange to orange, round, lenticular, with a characteristic odor.

1 tab.
retinol acetate (wreathed. A)1 mg (2907 ME)
a-Tocopherol (wreathed. IS)15 mg
vitamin C (wreathed. FROM)50 mg
thiamine hydrochloride (wreathed. B1)5 mg
Riboflavin (wreathed. B2)2 mg
Pyridoxine (wreathed. B6)5 mg
folic acid (wreathed. Bc)400 g
цianokoʙalamin (wreathed. B12)3 g
rutozid (rutin) (wreathed. P)25 mg
copper (in the form of sulfate pentahydrate)1 mg
zinc (as oxide)5 mg
Selenium (in the form of sodium selenite)25 g
zeaksantin (optišarpa)1 mg
Lutein2.5 mg

Excipients: talc, potato starch, lemon acid, ludipress (lactose monohydrate, povidone, krospovydon), povidone nizkomolekulyarnыy (low molecular weight polyvinylpyrrolidone), magnesium stearate, sucrose (sugar), D-sorbitol (sorbitol food), carmellose sodium (vyvasol).

The composition of the shell: giproloza (hydroksypropyltsellyuloza), macrogol (polyethylene glycol), povidone nizkomolekulyarnыy (low molecular weight polyvinylpyrrolidone), Titanium dioxide (E171), talc, colorant sunset yellow (E110).

30 PC. – plastic jars (1) – packs cardboard.
60 PC. – plastic jars (1) – packs cardboard.
90 PC. – plastic jars (1) – packs cardboard.
100 PC. – plastic jars (1) – packs cardboard.
120 PC. – plastic jars (1) – packs cardboard.


Pharmacological action

Combined preparation, containing a complex of vitamins, minerals and plant carotenoids.

The pharmacological action of the drug due to the properties of its components.

Compatibility components 1 It provided for a special tablet vitamins production technology.

Vitamin C (vitamin C) – regulates the permeability of capillaries, It plays an important role in maintaining their elasticity. Activates the activities of the endocrine glands, regulates blood clotting, tissue regeneration, the formation of steroid hormones, the synthesis of collagen. It has a stimulating effect on the body as a whole, increases its adaptive capabilities, resistance to infections and adverse effects.

Thiamin (vitamin B1) – It is involved in the transmission of the pulse along the nerve fiber. Participates in the coordination of the functioning of the nervous, Cardiovascular, endocrine systems. It plays a key role in ensuring the normal course of energy metabolism.

Riboflavin (vitamin B2) – involved in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, synthesis of hemoglobin and erythropoietin. It is necessary for the maintenance of normal visual function.

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) – as a coenzyme is involved in the metabolism of amino acids and carbohydrates. Ensure the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system.

Folic acid (vitamin Bfrom) – a coenzyme involved in various metabolic processes, required for the synthesis of nucleic acids. It has antianemic action.

Цianokoʙalamin (vitamin B12) – involved in the synthesis of nucleotides, It is an important factor in the growth of normal hematopoietic and epithelial cells; necessary for the metabolism of folic acid and synthesizing myelin.

Rutozid (rutin, Vitamin P) – It is involved in redox processes, It has antioxidant properties, It prevents oxidation and facilitates Escrow ascorbic acid in tissues. Strengthens the capillary walls, regulating their permeability. It reduces swelling and inflammation, strengthens the vascular wall.

Retinol (Vitamin A) – as part of the visual pigment rhodopsin is important in maintaining visual function, ensure the normal operation of the visual analyzer and the perception of the eye light. Effective with night blindness (“night blindness”), diseases of the retina and cornea. It participates in the process of regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes.

a-токоферола ацетат (Vitamin E) – It has antioxidant properties, It maintains the stability of erythrocytes; It has a positive effect on the function of the gonads, nerve and muscle tissue. Participates in the processes of tissue respiration, It affects the function of the endocrine glands, slows the aging process of body tissues.

Lutein and zeaxanthin – karotinoidы, yellow pigments, necessary for normal functioning of the retina. Protect your eyes from damage, arising as a result of exposure to ultraviolet light. Is a component of the antioxidant system of the retina, one of the most important factors in protecting the eyes. Located in the lens and retina lutein and zeaxanthin protect the photoreceptor cells from oxygen radicals, resulting from the adverse effects of radiation on the eye of various origins. Low content of lutein and zeaxanthin in the eye leads to weakening of the eye's ability to resist unfavorable factors, long visual loading, computer radiation.

Selenium – natural antioxidant, boosts immunity. In combination with vitamin A, E & C has a strong antioxidant effect, It improves the adaptive capacity of the organism under the effect of unfavorable factors (stress, smoking, environmental pollution).

Copper – It is a catalyst for many biochemical reactions. It participates in the synthesis of melanin. Playing a significant role in the formation of collagen and elastin, It is a necessary component of iron metabolism, It plays an important role in hematopoiesis.

Zinc – promotes recycling of vitamin A retina. It prevents the development of night blindness (“night blindness”). Zinc is necessary for the synthesis of insulin, hormones gonads, It is necessary for normal activity of lymphoid tissue. Zinc deficiency is associated with the development of optic neuritis, ʙlefarita, reduction of color, cataract formation.

The resulting formulation provides a balanced flow of components, necessary to maintain optimal body functioning, It has oftalmoprotektivnym effect due to the combined effect of its constituent vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, improves vision at high visual load, It has an antioxidant effect (Protects ocular tissue from the effects of free radicals). It may be recommended when wearing contact lenses, tk. It contains the components, required for tissue regeneration, incl. and cornea, the damage which the contact lens is always in one degree or another.



Data on the pharmacokinetics Complivit® Ophthalmia missing.



- Prevention of deficiency of vitamins and minerals;

- Visual fatigue syndrome (fatigue and pain in the eyes) reading, working on the computer, wearing contact lenses; night blindness.


Dosage regimen

Komplyvyt® Ophthalmia appointed interior adults to 1 tab. 1 time / day. Course Length – 3 Months. The need for repeated courses of doctor decides individually.

The drug is taken after a meal, drinking plenty of fluids.


Side effect

Maybe: allergic reactions.



- Pregnancy;

- Lactation;

- Children up to age 18 years;

- Hypersensitivity to the drug.


Pregnancy and lactation

Do not use this drug during pregnancy and lactation (breast-feeding).



Do not exceed the recommended dose is recommended.

In applying the drug may stain urine intense yellow color, due to the presence of riboflavin in the composition of the drug and no clinical significance.



In case of overdose the patient should seek medical advice.

Treatment: activated charcoal inside, gastric lavage; if necessary – symptomatic therapy.


Drug Interactions

Not recommended simultaneous reception with other multivitamin complexes, containing vitamins A and E, B vitamins.


Conditions of supply of pharmacies

The drug is resolved to application as an agent Valium holidays.


Conditions and terms

The drug should be stored out of reach of children, dry, dark place at a temperature no higher than 25 ° C. Shelf life – 2 year.

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