Vitamin E – Tocopherol

When ATH:

Pharmacological action

Vitamin E. It has antioxidant activity, involved in the processes of tissue metabolism, prevents hemolysis, increased permeability and capillary fragility, violation of the seminiferous tubules and testicular, placenta, normalizes the reproductive function; prevents the development of atherosclerosis, degenerative changes in the heart muscle and skeletal muscle, improve nutrition and myocardial contractility, reducing myocardial oxygen consumption. It inhibits free radical reactions, It prevents the formation of peroxides, damaging cellular and subcellular membranes. It stimulates the synthesis of heme and heme-containing enzymes - hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytochromes, catalase, peroxidase. Improves tissue respiration, It stimulates the synthesis of proteins (Collagen, Enzyme, structural and contractile proteins of skeletal and smooth muscle, infarction), It prevents oxidation of vitamin A. Inhibits oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids and selenium (components of microsomal electron transport system). It inhibits the synthesis of cholesterol.


If ingestion of absorption 50%; during suction forms a complex with lipoproteins (intracellular carriers tocopherol). For absorption requires bile acids. Associated with the alpha1- and beta-lipoproteins, partially – serum albumin. In case of violation of protein metabolism is hampered transport. Cmax achieved through 4 no. Deposited in the adrenal glands, gipofize, testes, adipose and muscle tissue, erythrocytes, liver. More 90% excreted in the bile, 6% – kidney.


Gipovitaminoz, the state of convalescence after illness, proceed with feverish syndrome, high physical load, advanced age, diseases of muscle and ligament apparatus. Climacteric autonomic disorders. Neurasthenia with fatigue, asthenic neurotic syndrome, Primary muscular dystrophy, posttraumatic, postinfektsionnaya vtorichnaya myopathy. Degenerative and proliferative changes in the joints and ligamentous apparatus of the spine and large joints.

Dosage regimen

Typically prescribed for 100-300 mg / day. If necessary, the dose can be increased to 1 g / day.

Side effect

Maybe: allergic reactions; when taken in high doses – diarrhea, epigastric pain; when i / m administration – soreness, infiltration at the injection site.


Hypersensitivity to tocopherol.

Pregnancy and lactation

Tocopherol is used during pregnancy and lactation (breast-feeding) on indications.


Caution should be used in severe cardiosclerosis, myocardial infarction, at increased risk of thromboembolism.

Drug Interactions

While the use of tocopherol may change the effects of warfarin and dicumarol.

There are reports of a decrease in the efficiency of simultaneous treatment with iron in children.

At simultaneous application with cyclosporine tocopherol increases the absorption of cyclosporine.

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