• Description, diagnostics, treatment of diseases

Cirrhotic tuberculosis: What's it, causes, symptoms, diagnostics, treatment, prevention

Vladimir Andreevich Didenko

Cirrhotic pulmonary tuberculosis is characterized by a large proliferation of scar tissue, among which active tuberculosis foci are stored, causing periodic exacerbations and, perhaps, скудное

  • beauty and health

9 risky cosmetic procedures, which can harm the body


Non-surgical interventions are not always safe. Why is the result of these 9 procedures could disappoint you – or worse. 1. Подтяжка

  • beauty and health

Peels in cosmetology: what is it and indications for the procedure


Facial peeling is a basic, very important facial skin care procedure.. Особенно возросла необходимость в нем сегодня

  • Flu and colds - Treatment and Prevention

6 простых привычек, чтобы круглый год не болеть простудами: рекомендуют все врачи


Почему одни люди болеют раз в год, а другие каждый месяц? Врачи отвечают, что частые простуды свидетельствуют о слабой сопротивляемости

  • Medical News

Scientists have named vitamins that cause cancer: examined 77 thousands of people


American experts have discovered a connection between the consumption of vitamins B6, B12 and increased risk of lung tumors, пишет издание Daily Express. How…

  • Man's health

Smoking patch: does it help you quit smoking?


Smoking patch: Is the effect illusory?? To a person, never tried cigarettes, or that, who managed to come to their senses in a year or two "pampering" сложно

  • Disease symptoms

Sweating, increased perspiration, hyperhidrosis: What's it, causes, symptoms, diagnostics, treatment, prevention


Sweating; Perspiration Что такое повышенное потоотделение? Increased perspiration, also known as hyperhidrosis, is a medical condition, при котором организм производит

  • Disease symptoms

Keeled chest, Pigeon chest in humans (Breast ship): What's it, causes, symptoms, diagnostics, treatment, prevention


Breast ship; Pigeon breast; Pigeon chest Что такое килевидная грудная клетка? Keeled chest, also known as Pectus carinatum, represents…

  • Disease symptoms

Spots on the skin: What's it, causes, symptoms, diagnostics, treatment, prevention


Patches Пятна на коже: What's it? Spots on the skin - these are plots, which differ in color, текстуре или внешнему

  • Disease symptoms

Papules on the skin: What's it, causes, symptoms, diagnostics, treatment, prevention


Papule Папула - it is a small bump on the skin, which can take various forms, sizes and color. Этот медицинский термин

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