Man's health

Smoking patch: does it help you quit smoking?

Published by
Mikhail Arkadyevich Golubev

Smoking patch: Is the effect illusory??

To a person, never tried cigarettes, or that, кто успел одуматься за год-второй “баловства” сложно понять, what does a seasoned smoker experience?, when he tries to quit again.

Mark Twain brilliantly noted: “Нет ничего проще, how to quit smoking! I've done this a thousand times!” Никотиновую зависимость некоторые специалисты сравнивают с наркотической, after all, the features of the psychological component are largely similar and are still accompanied by physical discomfort.

Why is it difficult to quit smoking?

It is possible to talk about the success of resistance to the addiction that has arisen only years and decades later., In the life of a former smoker, any circumstance can trigger a relapse, а далее – вновь по кругу. The difference between nicotine and alcohol or drug addiction is the gradual impact on the body. If a person becomes an alcoholic over the years, and becomes a drug addict in weeks and months, and the result is here, as they say, on the face, then smoking undermines health for many years. Its destructive effect is not immediately apparent to those, who's smoking cigarettes, craving after craving is killing itself.

Not tens or hundreds of medical studies gave grounds to assert, that nicotine, albeit gradually, but it certainly destroys every system and every organ in a person. Everything is purely individual, and history knows cases, when smokers lived happily until 80-90 years, but it’s worth wondering if cigarettes are the cause, and how many more years would they live?, if not for this bad habit.

It's not a secret to anybody, that quitting smoking requires considerable willpower and strong motivation. You can throw it out for a bet, out of principle, learning about a serious diagnosis, giving your word or simply deciding to do an act of will. But in any case, a person needs an incentive, confidence in one's actions and knowledge of, that after a few months, and even more so years, he will be stronger, independent and definitely healthier.

However, it's easier to say, what to do, and therefore medicine and pharmacology are developing new ways to get rid of addiction. No matter how independent you would like to seem in solving this problem, but cooperation with a psychotherapist or narcologist will make the process more effective. Getting rid of nicotine addiction is a complex process, Only a professional can select the individual components correctly.

Does smoking patch help you quit a bad habit??

На выбор же самого курильщика производители фармакологической продукции предлагают достаточно широкий ассортимент облегчающих “синдром отмены” препаратов. They all form a category, называющуюся “никотинзаместительная терапия”. This includes electronic cigarettes, anti-nicotine and nicotine patches, chewing gum, inhalers, sprays, whose function is largely similar.

Anti-smoking patches have become the most popular among smokers who want to quit.. They are easy to use (invisible under clothing and not noticeable when worn), imperceptible in action (do not emit odor, tactile sensations, etc.), do not require hourly shifts or updates (It’s easier to change the patch once a day, than constantly gnawing on candy, chewing gum or using inhalers). There are two types of smoking cessation patches.

Smoking patch, containing a reduced dose of nicotine. Their action is to constantly supply the body with minimal (much smaller compared to the lightest cigarette) doses of nicotine that poisons the body in order to save a person from habitual and regular manipulations with a cigarette. Производители обещают отсутствие “синдрома отмены”, the body receives the nicotine it is accustomed to, however in an unusual way, and at this time the person gets rid of psychological dependence. Now, in times of stress, boredom, after eating and after waking up, the hand should not reach for a cigarette - the body needs enough substance from the patch, and everything else is just a momentary weakness.

Smoking patch, containing minerals and natural extracts. These do not contain a drop of nicotine., and their effect is to cleanse and detoxify the body. Extracts, often, cloves, cinnamon, ginseng is antiseptic, soothing, analgesic effect, have a beneficial effect on nervous function, circulatory and respiratory systems. Manufacturers of this type of patch claim, that their use will improve the health of the body, which is weakened at this stage, and the action of herbs and often complementary minerals will allow you to survive weeks of confrontation with minimal discomfort.

Smoking patches must be changed daily, most of them do not require overnight use, although the instructions for some indicate the duration of action until 24 hours. According to the observations of specialists, only 1 from 10 smokers need a dose of nicotine at night while sleeping, and therefore manufacturers create products, maximum effect during 16-18 hours, after which the patch must be removed, and put on a new one in the morning. This strategy is the most optimal, because the night time is reserved for the functioning of the body without any intake of nicotine.

Interesting to note, that based on extensive research, carried out by American specialists in the early 2000s, The following findings were released: every third smoker, getting rid of his addiction using nicotine replacement therapy, returned to smoking again, regardless of length of service and number of cigarettes smoked. These data practically repeat the results of general statistics, talking about that, что каждый третий из общего числа “завязавших” курильщиков сталкивается с рецидивом. Thus, It is partly fair to call nicotine replacement therapy somewhat illusory.

Drug addiction specialists are clear in their opinion that, what anti-smoking patches will not bring the slightest effect, if a person does not have a strong enough desire to quit. If this is your nth attempt to quit, analyze, own mistakes, which becomes the next trigger, which brings you back to the cigarette.

Published by
Mikhail Arkadyevich Golubev

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