Recovery of penile curvature
Description restoring penile curvature
Curvature of the penis is a birth defect of the penis. Member becomes curved downward during an erection. Restoration of the penis – operation, performed to straighten the penis. The operation is performed specialized doctor – Pediatric Urology.
Reasons for restoring penile curvature
This procedure is performed in male infants under the following conditions:
- Chordee;
- Hypospadias with chordee – in this condition the opening of the urethra (channel, which carries urine from the bladder to the outside) It located on the underside of the penis. Normally the opening of the urethra is located at the tip of the penis. Hypospadias may cause difficulties for the child when urinating standing. It can also affect sexual function in later life.
The operation is usually carried out in six months, if the curvature of the penis longer 30 degrees. Curvature of the penis more than 60 degrees can affect sexual function in later life.
After surgery, the penis should function normally.
Possible complications when recovering penile curvature
Complications are rare, but no procedure does not guarantee the absence of risk. Before, how to restore penile curvature, you need to know about possible complications, which may include:
- Ukorochennыy penis;
- Bleeding;
- The need for another operation;
- Reaction to anesthesia (eg, dizziness, lowering blood pressure, breathlessness);
- Infection (wound infection or urinary tract infection);
- Psychological trauma.
We need to discuss these risks with your doctor before surgery.
How is the recovery of penile curvature?
Preparation for the procedure
Your doctor may do the following:
- Perform a visual inspection, which may include induction of artificial erection, to check the degree of curvature;
- Blood and urine tests;
- Discuss the risks in using anesthesia.
The doctor may stop taking certain medications before surgery, and to appoint a child taking certain medications, to prepare for surgery.
The child must be an empty stomach before the procedure. We need to ask the doctor, when the child will need to stop eating.
Used general anesthesia. The patient will sleep during the procedure.
Procedure recovery curved penis
The procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis. The child would not need to stay in the hospital.
To straighten the penis can be used a variety of methods. Strict, shortened foreskin may be released. Too long a skin on the upper side can be shortened and crosslinked. If the urethra is short, its shell, perhaps, will have to reduce. Generally, operation is designed to make all aspects of a member of the same length.
Using a special injection may be caused by the artificial erection, To make sure, penis straight. After the operation the penis perebintovyvaetsya.
How long will the procedure?
About 1-2 o'clock (longer, if the child is held more complex operation).
Will it hurt?
The child will not feel pain during surgery. The doctor will give pain medication after surgery.
Care of the patient after the restoration of the curved penis
Care in a hospital
Staff will monitor the child and give him pain medicine.
Home Care
When the child returns home, do the following, to ensure the normal recovery:
- Swelling of the penis is normal. We need to take prescribed medication. These may include an antibiotic in the form of an ointment, which should be applied to the penis;
- While a member of healing, the child should not be strained, you can play the game in the inactive;
- Field operations should be kept clean and dry, and provide care in accordance with the instructions of the doctor;
- Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions.
Contact your doctor after surgery recovery curved penis
After discharge from the hospital need to see a doctor, If the following symptoms:
- Pain, which does not pass after taking pain medication appointed;
- Redness, increase in swelling or tenderness in the penis;
- Bleeding from the penis;
- Signs of infection, including fever and chills;
- Nausea and vomiting;
- Inability to eat or drink;
- Difficulty urinating or inability to urinate;
- Drop catheter or discrepancy seams.