
When ATH:


The antitumor agent of plant origin. Semisynthetic derivative of vinblastine - vinca alkaloid (Vinca rosea L.). Vinorelbine ditartrat - white-yellow or light-brown amorphous powder. Solubility in distilled water > 1000 mg / ml.

Pharmacological action.
Antitumor, cytostatic.


Non-small cell lung cancer, breast cancer metastasis.


Hypersensitivity, expressed human liver, pregnancy, lactation.

Restrictions apply.

Childhood (the possibility of use in children has not been studied).

Pregnancy and breast-feeding.

Contraindicated in pregnancy.

Category actions result in FDA - D. (There is evidence of the risk of adverse effects of drugs on the human fetus, obtained in research or practice, However, the potential benefits, associated with drugs in pregnant, may justify its use, in spite of the possible risk, if the drug is needed in life-threatening situations or severe disease, when safer agents should not be used or are ineffective.)

At the time of treatment should stop breastfeeding.

Side effects.

Granulocytopenia, anemia, a decrease reflexes osteosuhozhilnyh, paraesthesia, weakness in the lower extremities, pain in the jaw, nausea, vomiting, constipation, paresis or paralytic ileus, difficulty breathing, bronchospasm, alopecia, phlebitis at the injection site.


Symptoms: granulocytopenia with acute risk of infection, peripheral neurotoxicity.

Treatment: granulocyte transfusions canned mixture, administration of colony-stimulating factors to improve granulocytopoiesis, antibiotic treatment of infection.

Dosing and Administration.

B / (for 6-10 min), pre-diluted in 125 ml saline. Monotherapy dose - 25-30 mg / m2 1 once a week.


Enter only the I /. Avoid injecting drug into the surrounding tissue (causes pain and necrosis). Eye contact requires immediate and thorough washing. Before and during treatment requires dynamic control of peripheral blood, incl. determining the number of white blood cells, granulocytes, and hemoglobin levels, as well as constant monitoring of liver function (definition of ALT, IS, Alkaline phosphatase, serum bilirubin). При понижении уровня гранулоцитов ниже 2·109/l treatment temporarily cease to normalize their number. To prevent pronounced hepatotoxicity is not recommended to combine with radiation therapy to the area of ​​the liver. Special care is required when treating patients with impaired liver and kidney function. Medical staff, contacting the drug, must comply with the measures of individual security, taken when working with toxic chemicals. It is necessary to avoid accidental contact with the eyes. After contact with the mucous membrane of the eye requires immediate and thorough washing.


Active substanceDescription of interaction
AmiodaroneFKV. FMR. Against the background of amiodarone, ингибирующего CYP3A, It increases the likelihood of side effects.
BusulfanFMR. Against the background of vinorelbine increases the risk of liver disease venookklyuzionnoy.
DakarʙazinFMR. Against the background of vinorelbine increases the risk of hepatotoxicity.
DoxorubicinFMR. Strengthens (mutually) the risk of toxicity.
ItraconazoleFKV. FMR. By inhibiting CYP3A4, slows the biotransformation, It increases the concentration in the tissues and increase the likelihood of side effects.
KetoconazoleFKV. FMR. Ингибируя CYP3A, slows the biotransformation, increases the concentration in the tissues and increase the likelihood of side effects.
ClarithromycinFKV. FMR. Ингибируя CYP3A, slows the biotransformation, It increases the concentration in the tissues and can cause serious side effects.
MitomycinAgainst the background of vinorelbine may develop an acute reaction in the lungs; the combined appointment of caution.
PaclitaxelFMR. Against the background of vinorelbine increases the risk of developing neuropathy; simultaneously or sequentially appointment caution.
FluvoxamineFKV. FMR. Ингибируя CYP3A, It increases the concentration in tissues, and can be the cause of the earlier and / or more severe side effects.
FluconazoleFKV. FMR. Ингибируя CYP3A, slows elimination, increases the concentration in the tissues and increase the likelihood of side effects.
ErythromycinFKV. FMR. Inhibiting the activity of the enzyme CYP3A, slows the biotransformation, It increases the concentration in the tissues and can cause serious side effects.

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