Positron Emission Tomography – PET

Description PET

When you take pictures of a pet, that show activity in the tissues of the body. The body material is introduced, that emits a small amount of radiation. This material is supplied in part body, are most active. The device can locate this substance. PET can be performed for many parts of the body, including the following organs:

  • The whole body;
  • Brain;
  • Lungs;
  • Breast;
  • Heart.

ПЭТ-сканирование головного мозга

If you are allergic to the radioactive substance, Apply with PET, complications may occur. We need to discuss these risks with your doctor.

Reasons for PET

PET can be performed for various reasons, including:

  • Finding a tumor or assessing the level of tumor activity after treatment;
  • Assessment of the causes of memory impairment;
  • To find the cause of seizures and to help determine treatment;
  • Evaluation of brain metabolism in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Search heart disease.

How is the positron emission tomography?

Preparation for the procedure

  • Wear comfortable clothing to the procedure;
  • Do not eat or drink anything, except water, at least four hours before the study;
  • Talk to your doctor about taking prescribed medicines;
  • If you have diabetes, consult your doctor for specific recommendations on test day, as this may affect the results;
  • Tell your doctor, if you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant.

Description of positron emission tomography

A nurse or technician will give you a radioactive substance. This can be done by injection, and in some cases, you will be asked to breathe in a gas. The material gets through the blood in the studied area of ​​the body. The absorption of radioactive substances takes tissue 30-90 minutes. Once the substance has been absorbed, a scanning.

You will lie on a special table and be moved into the machine, which looks like a large donut. It detects and records the radiation levels of the substance, which was introduced earlier. Images can be viewed on a computer monitor. Scanning takes about 30-45 minutes. You may be asked to change the position of the body, or perform specific tasks. For Example, during a heart PET, you may be asked to walk on a treadmill.

After PET

It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids, to radioactive substances out of the body.

How long will the Positron Emission Tomography?

At least, two hours.

Positron Emission Tomography – Will it hurt?

In addition to the injection of injection, PET is a painless procedure. People, who suffer claustrophobia (fear of enclosed or confined spaces), may experience a anxiety.

PET results

The pictures will show the activity of fabrics in different colors or shades of brightness. The radiologist will examine the images and send the results to your doctor. Getting a doctor report may take several days.

Contact your doctor after positron emission tomography

Call a doctor, if you have any unusual symptoms, such as rashes, itch, or shortness of breath. These symptoms may mean, you have an allergic reaction to the radioactive substance.

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