Claustrophobia – Claustrophobia

Description of claustrophobia

Claustrophobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by irrational fear of enclosed or small spaces. People, claustrophobic, often describe it as feeling trap without input or output. Claustrophobia is characterized by the manifestation of emotional and physical reactions. Although the fear of closed spaces can be quite strong, the application of the treatment very well controlled or completely passes.

Клаустрофобия  - физические симптомы

Causes of claustrophobia

Causes of claustrophobia, like all phobias, unknown. The signs of claustrophobia usually develop in childhood or adolescence. Claustrophobia can disappear in adulthood. If this does not happen, the treatment is necessary to overcome fear, especially, if the symptoms severely limit job, class social activities or interfere with everyday life.

Risk Factors claustrophobia

Factors, associated with increased likelihood of anxiety or claustrophobia, associated with claustrophobia.

  • Anxiety or nervousness when you stay indoors or space;
  • Avoiding long stay in a confined space; frequent attacks may increase the likelihood and severity of claustrophobia.

Symptoms of claustrophobia

Symptoms may include typical symptoms of a panic attack:

  • Sweating;
  • Fast heartbeat;
  • Shortness of breath or hyperventilation (hurried breathing);
  • Tremor;
  • Dizziness or fainting;
  • Nausea;
  • Feelings of fear, horror, panic.

Other symptoms include claustrophobia:

  • Feelings of anxiety, fear and find a way out when you are in an unfamiliar room;
  • Avoiding elevators, Metro, aircrafts, or being in a car in heavy traffic;
  • Trying to get closer to the exit at public events.

These symptoms can also be caused by other diseases. You must inform your doctor, if they came any.

Diagnosis of claustrophobia

The doctor asks about the symptoms and medical history, conducting psychological tests. The patient may be referred to a psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist for further evaluation and treatment.

Treatment of claustrophobia

Treatment usually comprises several different methods, including:


The most common type of treatment for claustrophobia, It includes recommendations psychiatrist, to overcome fear and treatment situations triggering.

Methods of treatment include:

  • Relaxation and visualization techniques – to overcome the fear when in a claustrophobic environment;
  • Cognitive therapy povedencheskaya (KPT) – learning method to control thoughts, that occur when confronted with the fear of calling the situation and ways to overcome them.


The doctor may prescribe medication, which reduce the panic and physical symptoms of claustrophobia. These include sedatives and antidepressants. The drugs do not cure the disease, but it is often very helpful when used in conjunction with psychotherapy.

Prevention of claustrophobia

Currently, methods of prevention are unknown claustrophobia, since it is unclear the reason of its occurrence.

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