Pyloroplasty – Pyloromyotomy

Description pyloroplasty

Pyloroplasty – surgery to correct the narrowing of the pyloric sphincter. Pylorus (pylorus) – muscle area, which forms a channel between the stomach and intestine. How rule, food passes easily from the stomach into the intestine through the sphincter.

Пилоропластика - Пилоромиотомия

Reasons for pyloroplasty

Pylorus sphincter can become narrowed. This condition is called, and may cause severe symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting and dehydration. Narrowing of the pylorus can be caused by scarring from ulcers. Stenosis can also be caused by increase of tissue, e.g. cancer.

Possible complications pyloroplasty

Complications are rare, but the procedure does not guarantee the absence of risk. If you plan to piloroplasty, you need to know about possible complications, which may include:

  • Bleeding;
  • Infection;
  • Damage to intestines;
  • Education hernia at the incision site;
  • Chronic diarrhea.

Factors, that may increase the risk of complications:

  • Smoking;
  • Coagulation failure;
  • Advanced age;
  • Previous abdominal surgery;
  • Obesity, malnutrition, dehydration;
  • Cardiac or respiratory disease.

How is piloroplasty?

Preparation for the procedure

  • Do not eat or drink for the night;
  • Your doctor may prescribe a laxative. This will help clear your bowels;
  • If you have diabetes, Discuss medication schedule with a doctor;
  • Tell your doctor about taking any medications. A week before surgery, perhaps, you need to stop taking certain drugs:
    • Aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • Blood thinners, such as warfarin;
    • Clopidogrel (Plaviks).


When applied piloroplasty general anesthesia, which supports a patient in the sleep state during operation.

Procedure pyloroplasty

In the upper part of the stomach will make the cut, to access the pylorus.

Dr. expand pyloric muscle. The sphincter will be sewn in such a way, that the opening of the pylorus opens wider. Then the abdominal muscles will be sewn together. The skin will be closed by sutures or staples.

Immediately after the procedure pyloroplasty

After surgery you will be directed to the House of recovery 1-2 o'clock.

How long will piloroplasty?

About 1-2 o'clock.

Operation pyloroplasty – Will it hurt?

Anesthesia will block pain during the procedure. After surgery, you will feel the pain. For its removal will be appointed painkillers.

The average time of stay in the hospital after pyloroplasty

Usually the duration of stay of 1-3 day. Your doctor may prolong hospitalization, if there were complications.

Care after pyloroplasty

During his stay in the hospital, you will gradually return to a normal diet. Before you leave home, a nurse will teach you, how to care for surgical incisions. Ask the doctor, when it is safe to shower, bath or expose the surgical site to water.

Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions.

Contact your doctor after pyloroplasty

After discharge from the hospital need to see a doctor, If the following symptoms:

  • Signs of infection, including fever and chills;
  • Redness, edema, strong pain, bleeding, or discharge from the needle insertion site;
  • Nausea and / or vomiting, that do not pass after taking the prescribed medicines, and persist for more than two days after discharge from the hospital;
  • Pain, which does not pass after taking pain medication appointed;
  • Cough or shortness of breath;
  • Severe abdominal pain or vomiting blood;
  • Dark, tarry stools or blood in the stool.

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