Phenylbutazone (When ATH M02AA01)

When ATH:


NSAIDs, pyrazolone derivative. White or white with a slightly yellowish white crystalline powder. Practically insoluble in water and acid solutions, difficult to dissolve ethanol, soluble in sodium hydroxide solution, xloroforme, ether, acetone.

Pharmacological action.
Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, pyretic.


For systemic use: inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system-rheumatoid arthritis, gouty, psoriaticheskiy arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis), osteoarthritis, arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus (in the complex therapy). Pain syndrome: ʙursit, tendinitis, arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia, migraine, toothache and headache, algomenorrhea; pain in trauma, burns. Feverish syndrome ("Colds" and infectious diseases).

For topical application,: articular syndrome in exacerbation of gout, revmatoidnom ARTHRO, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis. Pain syndrome (low and medium intensity) -arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia, phantom pain; Dermatitis, caused by various chemical and mechanical exposure, burns (I and II degree of small area, incl. solar), inflammation of the skin at the site / m and / in injection, insect bites, superficial thrombophlebitis, inflammation of hemorrhoids, traumatic soft tissue injuries, inflammatory infiltrates, hematoma, stretching of muscles and tendons, ʙursit, tendinitis.


Hypersensitivity. Orally: "Aspirinovaâ" triad (a combination of asthma, recurrent nasal polyposis, and paranasal sinuses and intolerance of aspirin and drugs pirazolonovogo series), erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase (gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, yazvennыy colitis, pepticheskaya ulcer), bone marrow depression, decompensated chronic heart failure or pulmonary heart disease, severe liver and / or kidney failure.

For topical application,: sores, violation of the integrity of the skin, eczema.

Restrictions apply.

Orally: giperʙiliruʙinemija, bronchial asthma, congestive heart failure, swelling, arterial hypertension, hemophilia, hypocoagulation, hepatic failure, chronic renal failure, hearing loss, pathology of the vestibular apparatus, blood disease, diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, polymyalgia rheumatica, transient arteritis, inflammatory and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stomatitis.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding.

With care during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects.

If ingestion

From the digestive tract: dyspepsia, NSAID-gastropathy, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea / constipation; with long-term use in high doses is pitting mucous membrane syndrome, thrush, glossitis, erosive esophagitis, bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, incl. gingival, hemorrhoidal, abnormal liver function.

Cardio-vascular system and blood (hematopoiesis, hemostasis): increased blood pressure, tachycardia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia.

From the nervous system and sensory organs: headache, dizziness, drowsiness, depression, excitation, hearing loss, noise in ears.

Allergic reactions: skin rash, itch, hives, bronchospasm, edematous syndrome, angioneurotic syndrome.

Other: increased sweating, uterine bleeding.

When applied topically: allergic reactions (incl. skin rash).


Phenylbutazone proximity effect anticoagulants, antiagregantov, fibrinolitikov. It may delay the excretion of various drugs (incl. morphine, PAS, penicillin, oral anticoagulants, antidiabetics) kidney, to facilitate their accumulation in the body and may cause side effects. It increases blood concentration of drugs Li+, methotrexate. Phenylbutazone reduces the effectiveness urikozuricheskih, antihypertensive drugs and diuretics. Antacids reduce the absorption and cholestyramine. Myelotoxic drugs increase the expression gematotoksichnosti.


Symptoms: cyanosis of the fingertips, lips, skin, dizziness, headache, increase / decrease in blood pressure, hyperventilation, dizziness; children — mioclauniceskie convulsions, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, gemorragii, the liver and kidneys.

Treatment: gastric lavage, administration of activated charcoal, simptomaticheskaya therapy, maintenance of the vital functions of the body. Forced diuresis and hemodialysis ineffective.

Dosing and Administration.

Inside, during or after a meal, for 100-150 mg 2-3 times a day, for children over 6 mth 10-dose 100 mg (depending on the age) 3-4 Times daily. The highest daily intake for adults is 600 mg.

Outwardly, applied to the skin surface with a thin layer of 2-3 times per day.


During treatment requires monitoring of peripheral blood and functional state of the liver and kidneys. If you want to determine the 17-ketosteroids drug should be discontinued for 48 h before the test.

During treatment should refrain from activities potentially hazardous activities, require attention and speed of mental and motor responses.

Ointment used for the treatment of deep vein thrombophlebitis. In the case of treatment of superficial thrombophlebitis should be considered, that the drug does not replace anticoagulation. With long-term application of the drug on the injured skin is recommended every 2-4 weeks to carry out control study of peripheral blood picture.


Active substanceDescription of interaction
Amoksiцillin + Clavulanic acidFKV. Against the background of phenylbutazone (blocks tubular secretion) increasing the concentration in the blood.
Ampicillin + OxacillinFKV. Against the background of phenylbutazone (blocks tubular secretion) increasing the concentration in the blood, effect and the likelihood of adverse events.

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