Liposuction – Removal of subcutaneous fat

Description of liposuction

Liposuction – routine surgical procedure. It changes the shape of the body by removing excess fat in the body.

Липосакция жировой ткани с живота

Reasons for liposuction

Some reasons to perform liposuction They include:

  • Change the shape of the body so, to make it more consistent with the ideal image of man;
  • Remove unwanted fat deposits, that cannot be lost through diet and exercise;
  • Increased self-confidence;
  • Breast reduction in men, suffering from gynecomastia (breast augmentation);
  • Removal of fat deposits, known as lipomas.

Possible complications of liposuction

Complications are rare, but that does not mean the absolute absence of risk. If you plan to perform liposuction, the doctor will review the possible complications, which may include:

  • Infection;
  • Nerve Damage;
  • Bleeding;
  • The appearance of blood clots (blood clots);
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Burns;
  • Asymmetry;
  • Darkening of the skin;
  • The appearance of scars under the skin;
  • The accumulation of fluid under the skin.

Liposuction results from various people may vary. Some factors, that may affect results include:

  • Age – in older patients, the results could be worse, than in younger, because their skin is less elastic;
  • Doctor's experience – physicians with extensive experience, usually, have fewer problems.

Some factors, that may increase the risk of complications after liposuction:

  • Diabetes;
  • Smoking;
  • Severe heart or lung disease;
  • Taking certain medications;
  • Poor blood circulation;
  • Surgery, performed earlier in the area of the planned liposuction;
  • Repeated liposuction at one place;
  • A large number of extraction grease from large surface.

How is liposuction?

Prepare for liposuction

Your doctor may perform the following steps::

  • Assess the candidate to conduct liposuction:
    • Get acquainted with the history of the disease, taken medicines, the presence of allergies and previous operations;
    • The patient may be asked to stop taking some medicines (including herbal supplements) one week before the procedure,:
      • Aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs;
      • Blood-thinning medicines, such as clopidogrel (Plaviks) or warfarin;
    • Discuss the loss/weight gain, and how it affects the body;
    • You define the field, that will be carried out liposuction;
    • You need to check the elasticity of the skin (the ability of the skin to stretch and return to normal);
    • You need to assess what amount of fat must be removed for best results;
    • You need to determine the patient's emotional stability (After the surgery, some patients, usually, are temporarily depressed);
    • You need to consider different types of liposuction.
  • Preparing the patient for the procedure:
    • Need to discuss with the patient the operation and anesthesia options;
    • Determined, where should be the procedure – in surgical Center, in the clinic or hospital. This will depend on the amount of fat, that should be removed. When you delete a large amount of fat, safer surgery in hospital;
    • The doctor should answer the questions and concerns of the patient.

Preparations for the liposuction procedure

  • Need to refrain from smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • You need to follow the instructions of the physician with respect to diet;
  • You need to organize your trip and help at home;
  • The night before, you can eat a light meal. You cannot eat or drink after midnight on the day of surgery;
  • If your doctor recommended, you need to take a shower in the morning or in the evening before the procedure. You may need to use a special antibacterial soap.


There are two options for anesthesia for liposuction. The doctor can determine, What is best for the patient.

  • Local anaesthesia obezbolit some areas of the body. During the procedure, the patient will be awake;
  • General anesthesia – the patient will sleep during the liposuction procedure.

Description of the liposuction procedure

Special fluids, containing saline solution (salt water), an additional anesthetic, adrenaline (to reduce bleeding), and bicarbonate (to reduce the pain of injection) is entered in the field of liposuction. The patient make cuts for data entry of liquids.

You will use one of the following three methods of liposuction:

  • Wet liposuction method – the number of imposed less fluid, than the amount of fat, that will be removed;
  • Super wet liposuction method – number of introduced liquid is equal to the number of fat to be removed;
  • Tumescent technique liposuction – the amount of fluid entered two to three times more the amount of fat to be removed;

After, as the liquid is introduced, a small incision is made in the field of, of which will be extracted fat. When traditional liposuction doctor will use an instrument called a cannula for intake of fats.

Cannula is a hollow tube, similar to straw. Vacuum block (pump), to which is attached a hose with canule, ensure the suction force for this procedure. Once the fat is removed, incisions can be sewn, or left open, to drain the place of liposuction.

The following are available For more modern types of liposuction:

  • Vibroliposakcija (Power-assisted liposuction) – includes use of vibrating cannula, that destroys fat cells to eliminate them. This technique is especially useful in those areas, where the fat is difficult to remove or in areas, where earlier liposuction has already been applied;
  • Ultrasonic liposuction – ultrasonic probe is used to break down fatty deposits. Fat cells are destroyed and the fat is removed using liposuction. When you apply can be reduced bleeding and swelling, as well as increasing skin tightening;
  • Laser liposuction (Laser lipolysis) – When you use special laser liposuction, injected under the skin. The heat of the laser used to liquefy fat before removing the traditional liposuction method. The laser also coagulates the blood vessels, to minimize bleeding and swelling, and it also makes your skin better shape up.
  • Water-assisted liposuction – This method uses a special cannula, spray water, that slightly violates the structure of the fat cells and facilitates their removal. This new procedure, that is rapidly gaining popularity.

How long does it last for liposuction?

The duration of the liposuction procedure depends on the:

  • The amount of fat, that you want to delete;
  • The number and square areas, undergoing liposuction;
  • Used technique of liposuction.

Whether it hurts during liposuction?

Anesthesia causes numbness and relaxes the body. You should inform your doctor, If pain is felt during the procedure.

Recovery after liposuction It can be painful. Need to consult with a doctor about taking pain medication, to reduce pain.

Care after liposuction

In the hospital

  • After the operation the patient sent to the recovery room for monitoring vital parameters;
  • Intravenous fluids may be injected to aid in hydration of the body;
  • The patient may be asked to perform short walks, that improves blood circulation;
  • May be prescribed pain medicine, to reduce pain and discomfort;
  • It is recommended to wear elastic clothes, to speed recovery.

When you delete more than five liters of fat, You must stay in the hospital at night.

Home Care

  • You need to make regular trips to the doctor's prescription. This will help in blood circulation and prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids;
  • To refrain from resuming daily activities before allowing doctor;
  • We need to ask your doctor about, When will it be safe to take shower, bathe, or be in the water;
  • Regularly need to take pain medicine (as prescribed by your doctor);
  • You need to wear elastic clothes, not constraining movements;
  • It is recommended that you refrain from smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions.

Liposuction does not immediately visible results. Depending on the amount of fat and the body's ability to remotely to heal itself, the appearance of visible results may take several weeks or months.

Usually, swelling of the body begins to decrease within a few weeks after surgery. But, It can take even a few months. Numbness and discomfort in some parts of the body may persist for several weeks, before I disappear.

After, as swelling and bruising disappear, will see the true result of procedure. If postoperative weight persists for some time, the results of liposuction may be deemed to be good.

If the desired result is not achieved, or if the skin remains saggy, Maybe need additional surgery.

Emergencies after liposuction

After discharge from the hospital need to see a doctor in the following cases:

  • There are signs of infection, including fever and chills;
  • Body temperature remains high;
  • Selection of cuts;
  • Bleeding;
  • Increasing redness or swelling;
  • Increased pain or soreness;
  • Cough, breathlessness, chest pain, nausea and vomiting;
  • Signs of shock (pale clammy skin, confusion or weakness, rapid pulse);
  • Depression.

In the case of a serious and rapidly deteriorating health should immediately call an ambulance.

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