Hysterosalpingography – Hysterogram – The end

Description X-ray of the uterus

Hysterosalpingography – type X-ray examination, which is used to diagnose diseases of the uterus and fallopian tubes. Before x-rays is injected into the uterus radiopaque substance (dye). It helps to get sharper images.

Гистеросальпингография - тип рентгеновского обследования, которое используется для диагностики заболеваний матки и фаллопиевых труб. Перед рентгеном в матку вводится рентгеноконтрастное вещество (краситель). Это помогает выполнить более четкие изображения

Reasons for hysterosalpingography

Hysterosalpingography used to evaluate these disorders:

  • Infertility;
  • Abnormal bleeding;
  • Abnormal development of the genital organs;
  • Trauma;
  • The presence of foreign objects.

How is hysterosalpingography?

Preparation for the examination

The doctor will examine your medical history. If you have in the past been pelvic inflammatory disease, you need to tell your doctor.

A few days before the test:

  • Plan analysis for the first 10 days after menstruation. These terms will reduce the likelihood of the procedure at the beginning of pregnancy;
  • The doctor may ask you to:
    • Take prescribed medications or antibiotics;
    • Take a laxative or enema;
  • In the evening before the test can be taken only a light meal. On the day of analysis can not eat anything;
  • In the procedure should wear comfortable clothes;
  • We need to organize a trip to the procedure and the home from the hospital.

Procedure hysterosalpingography

You will lie on a special x-ray table, placing the feet on the holders, or pulling them to the chest. The doctor will conduct a pelvic examination, to check the position of the uterus, pain or inflammation. To gently open the vagina, it will be inserted into a special expander. Then into a hole of the cervix at the top of the vagina is installed tube for supplying a contrast dye.

The contrast agent will be slowly inserted through the cervix into the uterus and fallopian tubes. With the help of X-ray machine will carry out the necessary pictures. The table can be tilted, or you will be asked to change the position of the body, to photograph the doctor interested bodies. When the X-rays will be finished, Instruments removed.

After hysterosalpingography

You will be observed for about 30 minutes after the test. The staff will look for signs of an allergic reaction or bleeding. In the absence of complications, you can go home.

After Test, Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions.

  • Slight bleeding is expected within a few days after the test;
  • As necessary, use mild pain medicine, to reduce discomfort;
  • They can be treated with antibiotics, to prevent infection. Go through the entire course of the reception;
  • Do not stop taking prescribed medications without a doctor's permission;
  • Do not use douching, tampons, or engage in sexual intercourse during 48 hours after treatment;
  • Baths and showers are not prohibited from taking.

How long will hysterosalpingography?

About 15-45 minutes.

Hysterosalpingography – Will it hurt?

Most patients report some discomfort and cramping during this test. The presence of locks can cause severe pain. Your doctor may prescribe painkillers or sedatives one hour before the test.

Results hysterosalpingography

A radiologist examines the images to send the results to the attending physician. According to the survey results the doctor can make recommendations for further treatment.

Contact your doctor after hysterosalpingography

After discharge from the hospital need to see a doctor, If the following symptoms:

  • Increased pain;
  • Heavy vaginal bleeding;
  • Signs of infection, including fever and chills;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Itch, hives or rash;
  • Difficulty breathing and / or swallowing.

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