Hyperbaric oxygen therapy – HBO – Giperbaricheskaya kislorodnaya therapy

Description of hyperbaric oxygenation

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) It includes breathing 100% oxygen in a sealed chamber. The concentration of oxygen in it five times higher, than standard air, we breathe. The camera also creates pressure 1,5-3 times greater from normal atmospheric. Therapy helps to improve blood circulation and the blood's ability to deliver oxygen to the body's tissues.

Causes of hyperbaric oxygenation

This procedure is used to treat many diseases and disorders, eg:

  • If an air bubble (embolism) It enters the circulatory system and blocks blood flow;
  • Decompression sickness, which may be, when divers or miners too quickly rise to the surface;
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning;
  • Wound healing, especially in patients with poor circulation;
  • Injuries from the use of radiation therapy in the treatment of cancer;
  • If performed skin grafts or any burns.

Отравление угарным газом - причина проведения гипербарической кислородной терапии

Possible complications of hyperbaric oxygenation

Before, how to perform HBO need to know about possible complications, which may include:

  • Mild discomfort;
  • Myopia (myopia), which may last for several weeks or months;
  • Damage sinuses, rupture of the middle ear, or lung damage;
  • Damage to the eardrum;
  • Oxygen toxicity, which can cause seizures, fluid accumulation in the lungs, or respiratory failure;
  • Worsening symptoms or increased risk of lung disease in people with heart failure or lung disease.

We need to discuss these risks with your doctor before the procedure.

How is the hyperbaric oxygen therapy?

Preparation for the procedure

  • Wear comfortable clothing to the procedure;
  • Bring a book or think, Things to do themselves in the chamber.

Procedure of hyperbaric oxygenation

You will lie on a soft table, which “zaezzhaet” in an oxygen chamber. In some cases, the camera can be a great, designed for ten or more people.

The technician will gradually increase the pressure in the chamber and fed with 100% oxygen. You will be able to talk to him. While in the chamber, you need to do the following:

  • Relax and breathe normally;
  • If there was discomfort in the ears, tell your specialist. It can reduce the pressure in the chamber;
  • Follow swallowing or hold your nose and mouth and tighten, It seemed to exhale, to align the internal pressure and reduce discomfort;
  • After, as the pressure rises to the desired level, place a clear plastic hood or mask on his head. Through them fed pure oxygen.

If there is a risk of poisoning with oxygen, may allow regularly breathe normal air for short periods.

Immediately after treatment

Within minutes the technician will gradually reduce the pressure in the Chamber. At this time may appear dizziness and fatigue. Nonetheless, you can return to your daily activities. You can be assigned to more than one session HBO for several days.

How long will the hyperbaric oxygenation?

From 0,5 to 2 hours.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy – Will it hurt?

During the procedure, does not feel any pain. Sometimes there may be a feeling of stuffiness in the ears.

The average hospital stay

If you have no other disease, you will be able to return home after HBO.

Treatments after hyperbaric oxygenation

In most cases, you do not need any special care after the session. Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions.

Contact your doctor after hyperbaric oxygenation

After returning home, you need to see a doctor, If the following symptoms:

  • Discomfort or pain in the sinuses or ears;
  • Getting attacks;
  • Vision problems;
  • Cough, shortness of breath or chest pain.

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