Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry – Determination of bone mineral density – Deraa

Description DEXA

Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry – test, which measures the density (or thickness) bones.

DEXA scan is an X-ray, which uses radiation, to make pictures of the bones of the body. These images are used to measure bone density of the spine, hips, wrist, and occasionally other parts, such as a finger or the heel bone. Measurement of bone density of the spine and hips, called central DXA. Determination of the density of the bones in the arms or legs is called Peripheral densitometry. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe a complete X-ray examination of the body (scintigraphy).

Остеопороз - Определение плотности костной ткани

Reasons for DEXA

This test helps the doctor assess the density of the bones and find osteoporosis, bone diseases . This information can be used to predict the risk of bone fractures.

How is dual energy X-ray absorptiometry?

Preparations for the DEXA

  • On the day of testing there is permitted;
  • If the patient was carried out barium study, or it has already introduced a radiopaque agent for computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, you need to wait, at least seven days, before spending DEXA scan.
  • We need to put free, comfortable clothes. You can not wear clothing with metal zippers, belts or buttons.

Carrying DEXA

Full scan of the body

The patient will lie on a special table. The device for DERA will move over the body and take measurements of bone density, directing low-dose X-rays through the bone.

The amount of radiation is very small, less 1/10 the dose of a standard chest X-ray. Photo of the skeleton will be made on the basis of, how changed ray radiation after passing through the bone.

Scan of the spine and hips

Limbs will be located in a special position, and it would be held above procedure.

Determination of bone density in his arms

Examinee placed in the chair next to the DEXA machine. The hands will be placed in the clamping device, then be measured.

After the DEXA

The subject can return to daily activities.

How long will the procedure?

About 10 minutes.

Will it hurt?

No, painless examination.

The results of dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry

Test Results, usually, ready in a few days. The test results are assessed on two parameters:


This figure shows the amount of bone tissue, which have surveyed compared with the young man of the same gender with peak bone mass.

  • Evaluation of the above -1 It considered normal.
  • Estimates range from -1 to -2,5 can mean, there osteopenia, in the first stage of bone loss.
  • The rating below -2,5 means, that the examinee can be osteoporosis.


This figure shows the bone density of the subject in comparison with other people of his age., sex and size.

These tests will help your doctor determine the risk of bone fractures.

Communication with the doctor after the dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry

It is necessary to call the doctor, If you have any questions about the survey.

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