Radiopaque barium study – barium porridge

Description X-ray contrast barium study

The procedure is an X-ray of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum (the initial part of the small intestine). Esophagus, stomach and the duodenum are called the upper gastrointestinal tract, or the upper digestive system. X-ray pictures are taken after the use of chemical substances, nazıvaemogo barium (barium sulfate). Typically, barium sulphate mixed with semolina, then take. Hence the second name – barium porridge. Barium covers the intestines, that makes it easier to see it on the radiograph.

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Causes of radiopaque barium study

The study of the upper gastrointestinal series may be done if there were the following problems:

  • Diarrhea;
  • Weight loss;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Swallowing problems;
  • Regurgitaciâ – when the food and the liquid flows back from the stomach toward the mouth;
  • Bleeding from the rectum;
  • Bloody or black stools;
  • Bloody or brown vomit.

Radiopaque barium study may help detect:

  • Ulcers;
  • Lock intestine;
  • Abnormal growths or tumors;
  • Dyvertykulы – abnormal pouches in the intestinal wall;
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) – the acid of the stomach rises throat;
  • Hiatal hernia – the upper part of the stomach sticks out from the small opening in the muscle wall, that separates the abdominal cavity from the chest cavity.

How is radiopaque barium study?

Preparation for the procedure

  • In the presence of pregnancy should be said about this doctor;
  • It may be necessary to stop taking certain drugs before the procedure;
  • You can not eat, drinking and smoking, for at least eight hours before the test;
  • The patient can give a drug called glucagon. It will slow down the activity of the stomach and small intestine;
  • The patient may be asked to, swallow baking soda crystals. These crystals will bubble and produce gas in the stomach, which would make more detailed X-ray images;
  • If a doctor wants to explore the lower intestine, perhaps, It needs to take a laxative the day before the test. This will completely cleanse the bowel.

Procedure of X-ray contrast barium study

We must remove all jewelry and wear a hospital gown. The patient is given a drink of barium solution. After that, the radiologist makes an x-ray of the chest and abdomen. Your doctor may also give a solution with the pieces of food, to eat them with barium. During the test,, perhaps, will often change position.

If a doctor wants to take pictures of the small intestine, it is necessary to carry out X-rays every 15-30 minutes, until the barium passes through the intestines.

After Test

You can do daily activities. It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids, so as barium slowly excreted from the digestive system. After the examination, can be observed constipation or stool white.

How long will the procedure?

Radiopaque barium study of the upper intestine may take from half an hour to two hours. Subsequent examination of the small intestine can take up to four hours.

Will it hurt?

Pain during the procedure there.

The results of X-ray contrast barium study

If there are problems the doctor prescribes additional inspections or develop a treatment plan based on the results.

It is necessary to go to the hospital in the following cases

  • Constipation lasts more than a few days after the test;
  • Abdominal pain or bloating;
  • vomiting;
  • Signs of infection, including fever and chills;
  • Shortness of breath or cough.

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