Clotrimazolum (When ATH D01AC01)

When ATH:


The antifungal agent for topical application from a group of imidazole derivatives.

White, odorless crystalline substance. Practically insoluble in water, it is soluble in ether, very soluble in polyethylene glycol 400, ethanol and chloroform. Molecular weight 344,84.

Pharmacological action.
Broad spectrum antifungal, Antibacterial, protivoprotozoynymi, trihomonatsidnoe.


Fungal skin and mucous membranes: dermatomykoz, dermatophyte, ringworm, athlete, microsporia, kandidamikoz, interdigital fungal erosion, Fungal paronychia; fungal infections, complicated by secondary pyoderma; pityriasis versicolor, erythrasma; thrush; Candida vulvitis, vulvovaginitis, ʙalanit, trichomoniasis; for the renovation of the birth canal before delivery.



Pregnancy and breast-feeding.

Do not use in the I trimester of pregnancy (adequate and well-controlled studies have been conducted). When intravaginal application of women in the II and III trimester of pregnancy, adverse effects on the fetus have been identified, however desirable to use a vaginal applicator.

Precautions - during breastfeeding (unknown, whether clotrimazole gets into breast milk).

Side effects.

Allergic reactions (itch, hives).

For topical application to the skin: эritema, blisters, edema, burning or tingling, irritation and skin peeling.

When applied topically, for the treatment of urogenital infections: itch, burning, redness and swelling of the mucous membrane, vaginal discharge, frequent urination, intercurrent cystitis, burning sensation in the penis with a partner, pain during intercourse.

When applied topically in the oral cavity: redness of the mucous membrane of the mouth, burning sensation and tingling at the site of application, irritation.


Reduces activity (mutually) polyene antibiotics (amphotericin B, Nystatin, natamycin).


When taking random drug into possible following symptoms: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, gastralgia, abnormal liver function; rarely - somnolence, hallucinations, thamuria, allergic skin reactions.

Treatment: administration of activated charcoal, simptomaticheskaya therapy.

Dosing and Administration.

Locally, put a thin layer to the affected skin and mucous membranes 2-4 times a day. The course of treatment picked individually, typically - at least 4 Sun; at its end (the disappearance of clinical manifestations) advisable to continue to use the drug for another 14 days. The duration of therapy erythrasma - 2-4 weeks, multi-colored lichen - 1-3 weeks.

Before greasing the feet washed with warm soapy water, carefully wipe, especially between the toes. Fungal diseases of the skin of feet is recommended to continue treatment after achieving a therapeutic effect in 2-3 weeks.

Locally oral: 10-20 Drops (0,5Ml -1) topical solution is applied to affected areas of mucous membrane of the mouth with a cotton swab / rod 3-4 times a day. Improving the condition usually occurs 3-5 days of treatment; Treatment should continue until the complete elimination of the clinical manifestations of the disease.

Locally when urogenital infections. When Candida vulvitis balanitis, or use 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks. For the treatment of trichomoniasis, vaginitis in adults and adolescents: vaginal tablets (500 mg once or 200 mg for 3 days or 100 mg 6-7 days, 1 once a day, in the evening), Cream or (full applicator) is introduced as deeply as possible into the vagina 1 once a day (before bedtime). For the rehabilitation of the birth canal is recommended that a single administration of tablet.

If urethritis spend instillation also 1% clotrimazole solution into the urethra during 6 days.


Avoid getting drugs on the mucous membrane of eyes. Avoid use in areas in violation of the integrity of the skin.

After applying the cream, do not use airtight dressings.

To prevent reinfection to the simultaneous treatment of sexual partner. Do not appoint vaginally during menstruation. If trichomoniasis is recommended to combine intake with systemic chemotherapeutic agents (metronidazol vnutrь).

In patients with impaired liver function should be monitored periodically its functional state.

The appearance of signs of irritation or hypersensitivity require discontinuation of treatment.

In the absence of clinical improvement during 4 Weeks microbiological examination should be conducted to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other causes of the disease.

Active substanceDescription of interaction
Amphotericin BFMR: antagonizm. Decreases (mutually) antifungal effect.
NystatinFMR: antagonizm. Decreases (mutually) antifungal effect.
SimvastatinFKV. FMR. Against the background of systemic effects of clotrimazole inhibited CYP3A4, zamedlyaetsya biotransformation, increased plasma levels and increases the risk of myopathy and rhabdomyolysis; Avoid joint use of vaginal tablets.

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