Disease, like hemorrhoids
One of the most frequent and typical symptoms of hemorrhoids - bleeding during bowel movements, from subtle to very strong, jet. Repeated heavy bleeding can lead to anemia patient and sharp depletion.
Symptoms of anemia: fatigue, weakness, frequent headaches, nosebleeds, pale skin color, slightly colored mucus, white sclera of eyes.
When anemia is disturbed ratio of red and white blood cells, or red blood cells are not quite "quality", so, certainly manifest symptoms of oxygen starvation of the body: weakness, drowsiness, susceptibility to disease. For anemia, caused by disorders of the intestine, characterized by iron deficiency. If developed anemia due to bleeding, RBCs lost and, and iron, which is part of the hemoglobin.
In this case, there is a grenade, apples and all day eating buckwheat does not make sense. At constant bleeding from hemorrhoids is not enough. Primary health-restoring products: liver, beet, Grenades, sour apples; Beverage - Cahors, brandy, etc.. P. Very effective complex vitamins, and in severe process even special preparations - Sorbifer durules, ферроплекс и др. Их можно сочетать с гомеопатическими средствами.
Из трав наиболее полезны: настой девясила, настойка крапивы, Dandelion (летом добавляйте в салат его листья, осенью и зимой — корни), топинамбур (корнеплоды), plantain (листья — в салат), nettle (листья — в салат, в щи).
Из медопродуктов рекомендуются: цветочная пыльца и маточное молочко (пить по 2—3 капсулы до еды в течение 10—20 дней).
Другое лекарство — мумие: by 0,1 g 2 раза в день в течение 3—4 недель. Means, состоящее из меда и мумие, называется рецептом Авиценны (8 частей мумие, 180 частей меда). Мумие нужно смешать с 1 tablespoon of water and left at room temperature for 16-18 hours. Then add honey and stir. Take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day before meals for 5-7 days. Mummies honey helps with hemorrhoids, promoting tissue regeneration.
Of course, Weekly to do a blood test is not necessary. But, if there is suspicion of anemia, the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin to know better. Then it will be possible to navigate already own state.
Proctitis and other diseases
Apart from hemorrhoids in the rectal area may attend several diseases, which are at different stages of a very like him.
First of all it proctitis - an acute or chronic inflammation of the rectal mucosa. The clinical course distinguish between acute and chronic proctitis. In acute proctitis patients complain of pain, and a burning sensation of fullness in the rectum, frequent urge to defecate, allocation of liquid mucus, serous-bloody fluid, sometimes mixed with pus. Such patients need rest, lite diet, antibiotics and sulfa drugs (Biseptol, sulgin, ftalazol), topically in the rectum 50 ml of 0.5% solution of colloid silver or olive oil.
There are also cracks in the lining of the rectum, which are manifested by pain and little bleeding when emptying the bowel. Complaints patient: burning sensation, pressure, expansion, the presence of a foreign body in the rectum, radiating pain in the perineum, urinary bladder, shrieking, buttocks, inner thighs. Pain comes soon after defecation and lasts for hours.
The treatment can be carried out with the help of micro-enemas with sea buckthorn oil or tea tree oil (1%-First solution). Course - 7 days, then take a break for 3 day and repeat the procedure.
Itching rectum - Local neurodermatitis, disorder associated with sensitive areas of the nervous system. It causes a lot of anxiety and hard treated. There are two forms of itching - wet and dry. In wet form of skin edematous, wet, flaking, when dry - thickened, with pronounced Mr. and scaly clutches. In some cases, itching is paroxysmal in nature, chronic forms continued for many years, amplified in the autumn and winter.
Treatment of itching anus - A difficult and complex issue, to which should be approached strictly individual, taking into account the type of disease. It requires complex treatment with a dermatologist, neurologist and hynekoloha. Perhaps, too, the treatment, and that the cracks.
Proctopolypus - Benign tumors of the mucous membrane, sitting on the leg or on a broad basis.
Warts anus There are usually multiple, lobed wheel and extend over a "cauliflower", and they contribute to the appearance of skin maceration, its humidity, discharge from the vagina and intestine. Between slices warts accumulated discharge with an unpleasant fetid odor.
Treatment of warts - surgical: excision of warts, Pre-staging Wasserman to eliminate syphilis.
Anal papillae - small growths in the anus. If they increase significantly, there is a constant irritation of the anal canal, increased allocation, Less than zamыkaetsя sphincter, celebrated his spastic reduction, accompanied by pain. Treatment - coagulation (laser, or liquid nitrogen).
Archoptosis - A pathological condition, in which the rectum, falling down, acts, more precisely, turned inside out through the opening of the anus. All rectal prolapse can be divided into loss of mucosa and loss of all layers of the rectum. The most dangerous total loss.
- I degree - loss of bowel defecation (then it automatically reduce a).
- Grade II - prolapse of the rectum during defecation (rectum reduce a patient's hands only).
- Grade III - prolapse of the rectum is not only with defecation, but when you cough, laughter, Patients keep bad gases and feces.
- Grade IV - loss occurs when walking or standing, the patient is completely keeps intestinal contents.
In adults, the loss of the rectal mucosa is often a complication of internal hemorrhoids occurs during defecation, when coughing, cixanii, muscle tension anterior abdominal.
From bloodless surgical treatment rectal prolapse used injection under the mucous intestine and her circle of various kinds of sclerosing agents, rumen to get sclerosis of the bowel wall by aseptic inflammation chemical.
For adults in the total loss of the rectum in most cases operative treatment.
Rectal cancer the most common. They get sick persons of any age, but most of all - from the 40 to 60 years. The best prevention method - to achieve the absence of inflammation in the lining of the rectum and monitor polyps (if they have), because it polyps, and fissures of the rectum may degenerate into a malignant tumor.
One clue, inherent in rectal cancer, - Spotting at the beginning of defecation. Blood, flowing down the walls of the intestine, accumulates at the sphincter, sometimes forming clots. Hemorrhoids, conversely, mud, passing through an area with varicose veins, squeezes them, preventing the discharge of blood. After emptying the rectum veins again overflow with blood, which is poured out through the thinning, ulcerative changes in the walls of varicose veins. The act of defecation ends bloody discharge. While it may be different. Treat attentively to his condition, especially if there are weight loss, generalized weakness.
Rectal cancer amenable to comprehensive treatment: radiotherapy and then surgery. Unfortunately, a large number of cases starting operation - removing guts to the abdominal wall. But at the time begun treatment the prognosis is very favorable. Often, even when applying the so-called colostomy (forming a new anus) Can spend some time plastic surgery and return all to a more natural position.
Rectal cancer occurs really often. Therefore be prevented tumor development. You need to saturate the body substances, strengthens the immune system - vitamins, microelements. The best degree of fit for complexes with strong antioxidant properties. Stimulate anti-tumor protection and a variety of herbal balms, eg, "Altai", "Demidov", "Bittner", etc..