Colon cancer

This is the most dangerous disease of the colon. Its frequency increases in recent years.

Increase in the number of patients with the large intestine cancer is primarily due to increases in life expectancy people. After all, the people of elderly and old age more likely to develop cancer diseases.

But, except for this cause in the etiology of cancer of the large intestine and colon in particular the important role belongs to the nature of power. Admission purified, refined food in a small volume, high calorific but in the absence of fiber tends to weaken peristalsis (of movement) bowel, whereby fecal, themselves with a small amount, slow moving, lingering in some parts of the colon for several days. This leads to prolonged contact with stool intestinal wall, and known, that the stool contains some substances, that may contribute to cancer development.

Thus, food, detaining peristalsis, indirectly contributes to the development of colon cancer, as evidenced by increase in the frequency of the disease in developed countries and consistently low level in developing and emerging countries, where much of the food consists of vegetables, fruit, fruits and other products, containing plant fiber and natural vitamins.

Among other etiological factors in the development of colon cancer must take into account and heredity, therefore the people, have sick relatives, We should be particularly attentive to their own health and in constant contact with doctors.

The clinical manifestations of colon cancer It is very diverse and depend on the location of the tumor. The danger lies in the fact, that colon cancer has no specific, characteristic only for him symptoms. All signs of cancer can occur in other diseases of the colon, so the only doctor on the basis of the totality of the history and examination of the patient may suggest malignancy and conduct targeted research.

At the Jeu time in patients with the appearance of any signs of diseases of the colon should be no panic, as each of these symptoms may occur in many non-malignant diseases. As previously reported, Malignant tumors are a very small proportion in the structure of diseases of the colon.

One of the most celebrated oncologists characteristic symptoms - abdominal pain. The location and nature of them depend on the location of the tumor. So, with the defeat of the right half of the colon concerned about pain in the right iliac region, in the right upper quadrant. They most often develop gradually, are aching in nature, intensity increases within weeks, they are strictly localized in one place, which usually corresponds to the location of the tumor and. When the sigmoid colon lesions, wherein, by the way, most often develop cancer, and descending part of the colon ulcer pain localized in the left half of the abdomen, and sometimes more precisely - in the left iliac region. In these cases, pain, beginning with a small aching, soon become paroxysmal, It applies to the entire lower abdomen.

With increasing growth of the tumor and intestinal obstruction pain becomes stronger, seizures develop every 2-3 days, and then often. Along with the pain bloating appear.

These symptoms depend on the closing of the lumen bowel tumor. The same pattern is observed when cancer is in the upper part of the rectum.

If it affects the lower part of the straight intestine localized pain in the perineum, anus, in kresttse, in the coccyx. They have aching in nature and gradually increase.

By revealing Symptoms of colon cancer include abnormal discharge from the rectum – blood, slime, pus. Most often there is blood in the case of the right half of colon cancer. She then has a dark color, mixed with feces, which gave doctors a reason to call a tarry stools (ground).

In cancer of the left colon and rectum blood fresh, scarlet color, often in the form of streaks on stool, rarely drops. Quite often the blood is released along with the mucus in the form of colored blood "spitting".

Pus or mucus most, mixed with pus, It appears in the decay of cancer. However, here again it should be emphasized, that the discharge of blood, mucus, pus can be in many diseases of the colon, such, as ulcerative colitis, granudematozny colitis, proctosigmoiditis, Polyps, simple ulcer.

Colon cancer, usually, accompanied by a disturbance of bowel function. Most often this manifests chair delay. Truth, constipation for 2-3 days can be and to the development of tumors in the colon, but with the advent of cancer, they are becoming longer, accompanied by abdominal distention, weight and paroxysmal pain.

Significantly less colon cancer occurs diarrhea. At the same time the chair is usually a liquid or pasty, 3-5 times per day, cal with an admixture of mucus, blood. Patients with a "clinical picture often fall into the infectious hospital with dysentery misdiagnosis, enterocolitis. With the localization of the tumor in the rectum, in some cases, there are false desires on a chair.

bowel function disorder can manifest itself by alternating constipation and diarrhea. In such cases, the delay of a chair for 3-5 days gives way to violent eruption of feces followed within 3-4 days diarrhea. Then comes the delay of a chair back.

Of the common symptoms of colon cancer should be noted weakness, malaise, fatigue during normal operation, the appearance of pallor of the skin and mucous membranes. Only in advanced stages of the disease are observed all or most of the above symptoms.

I want to draw attention, that at earlier stages of the doctors discover one of the signs, Yes, and he at first did not differ constancy, may disappear for 1-2 weeks, then reappear once or have other symptoms.

It should be emphasized, that by the early signs of colon cancer include:

  • Flash delay on chair 2-3 day in humans, who had previously normal chair, especially if he is a 40 years;
  • A transient sudden bloating;
  • local, small abdominal pain;
  • Longer constipation followed by rapid gastric emptying.

All these features combine the concept of "abdominal discomfort", which in all cases is an indication for in-depth examination of patients especially elderly.

It must be noted, that the appearance of these "small" signs disease patients just rushing not contact doctor, explaining their development diet violation. Unfortunately, indeed intestinal discomfort often occurs when power failure mode, diet especially during the holidays.

Insidious "minor" signs is, that after a while they pass, thereby allegedly confirm the opinion of patients about their direct connection with the violation of the diet. But after 2-3 weeks, these symptoms are again being felt, and it has as a manifestation of a more advanced stage of disease.

Hence, any violation of bowel function, appearance of minor impurities in the feces particularly when breach diet must be a good reason to refer to the doctor.

However, in some cases, colon cancer can manifest symptoms such rare, as itching in the anus, temperature rise, a one-time allocation of large amounts of blood from the rectum. Diagnosis, usually, confirmed, If these rare symptoms soon joined by typical symptoms of colon cancer.

it happens, the doctor makes a mistake in diagnosis or too long holding examination of the patient. Yet if, as the evidence suggests, from the first signs of the disease before a diagnosis of colon cancer passes average 6 months, then 4 month of them the patient does not go to the doctor, what aggravates the course of disease.

Treatment of colon cancer

Treatment for colon cancer doctors perform a variety of ways, but the main one is the surgical. Additional methods include radiation therapy and chemotherapy. First performed on special devices. It is indicated for determining the location of the tumor and, usually, before the operation. Chemotherapy the doctors used in many forms of colon cancer, mainly in the postoperative period.

At the present time can not be regarded as a fatal cancer, necessarily lead to death. Achievements of fundamental sciences (physics, chemistry, Biology), and medicine, in particular surgery, allow to receive encouraging results of treatment of cancer patients.

Suffice it to say, what 50% cancer patients, are registered in oncological institutions, live longer 5 years. And this time, oncologists, find a cure period.

But the results of treatment are even more encouraging, if treatment can not start in the early stages of the disease. In these cases, even when such severe for the diagnosis and treatment localizations, as colon cancer, 5 years or more after surgery lived 85-90% of patients. Thus, once again confirmed the position of, what, the sooner the patient seeks help, the sooner it will be diagnosed and treated, the greater the opportunity for cure.

It should again be emphasized, that the main method of treatment of colon cancer is operative. Without surgery, no other treatment will not be effective. According to the current position of the surgery for any disease, including oncology, It can be made only with the consent of the patient. Therefore, refusing operation, some patients signed his own death warrant.

Common cause failure patients from surgery is, fear of operation. Really, surgery for colon cancer are heavy large volume of interventions. But, as it has been said, without surgery no other treatment is ineffective. And most importantly, it is necessary to take into account today's significant achievements in medical science. Wide experience of surgeons and oncologists, the improvement of surgical techniques, achieve anesthesiologists and emergency will significantly reduce the risk of surgery, reduce the number of postoperative complications. Knowledge of these achievements and the credibility of the doctor to help the patient free themselves from the fear of surgery.

One of the reasons for failure patients from operation serves reluctance have permanent artificial anus. Really, for some cancer sites have to remove the entire rectum, and the lives, in the lower left quadrant of the display of his large intestine for the act of defecation (form a colostomy).

However, this fact in no case should not lead patients to abandon operations. At first, not all patients impose iliac colostomy. Of surgery for colon cancer only 20-25 % can not avoid. Secondly, the presence of a colostomy is rarely restricts people in their working, public and private life.

Sure, wearing a colostomy creates some inconvenience, 50% Media colostomy forced to change jobs. But proper care deduced intestine, punctual performance of a clinician, as will be discussed later, It allows carriers to perform a colostomy, many work and enjoy the pleasures of life.

To this we should also add, that the need for imposing a greatly reduced iliac colostomy, if the operation is performed early in the disease, which largely depends on the timely treatment of the patient to the doctor.

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