Skin Abscess – Abscesses – Furunkul – Skin Abscess

Description abscess

Abscesses – red, bloated, painful cavity under the skin, caused by bacterial infection. An abscess often begins in the infected hair follicle. Bacteria form here or abscess cavity, filled with manure. Eventually, the pus may break the skin and go outside. An abscess may occur anywhere, but usually appears on the face, neck, armpits, on the buttocks, in the groin, and thighs.

There are several types of boils:

  • Boil or carbuncle – abscess, caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes, sometimes found in groups of several abscesses;
  • Pilonidal cyst – abscess, growing in the crease of the buttocks. Almost always require medical intervention.
  • Kistoznыe acne – abscess, appearing then, When the sebaceous glands become clogged and infected. Most often it occurs in adolescence;
  • Festering hydradenitis – disorder, wherein multiple abscesses occur in underarm and groin.


Causes skin abscess

Causes of boils may be as follows:

  • Bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus;
  • Burrowing hair, through which there is an infection;
  • Foreign objects under the skin;
  • High fat and sweating.

Risk factors for skin abscess

Factors, which increases the risk of abscesses include:

  • Diabetes;
  • Poor unbalanced diet;
  • Poor hygiene;
  • Weakened immune system;
  • Effects on the body of dirt, dust and aggressive chemicals.

Symptoms skin abscess

Symptoms appearance abscess may include:

  • The swelling or thickening of the skin, accompanied by redness and discomfort.
  • The tumor gets bigger, painful, and eventually wears off;
  • At the top of the abscess cavity may be formed with the formation of pus and white inside (nazyvetsya “root”, “rod”).

Diagnosis of skin abscess

To set the exact diagnosis, perhaps, will need to be screened for the presence of bacterial infection.

Most abscesses require major medical intervention and are without complications.

Medical intervention may be necessary in the following cases:

  • An abscess persists or increases;
  • It appears fever and body temperature rises;
  • The skin around the boil heavily blushed, or red streaks appear;
  • An abscess erupts;
  • There are new abscesses or boils;
  • Blain limits normal activity;
  • An abscess is on the face, near the spine, or in the anal region;
  • Diabetes;
  • Within a short time there is a lot of abscesses or boils.

Treatment boil

The doctor can if necessary operate abscess or appoint antibiotics.

Self-treatment may include the following procedures:

Warm compresses

It is necessary to apply warm compresses to the boil for 20 minutes, 3-4 once a day. Depending on the body, on which there is an abscess, You can keep it in warm water. This can help alleviate the pain and the removal of pus closer to the skin surface. When the abscess will burst, it must be cleaned of pus and prevent bacteria from entering the inside.

An autopsy abscess

Do not try to squeeze an abscess yourself. This can lead to the spread of infection. If the abscess does not break on their own, It may require surgical intervention.

Cleaning and dressing-operative abscess

Regardless of Togo, as an abscess was deleted (He operated by a doctor or went himself), you must keep it clean. Wash the wound with soap and grease the abscess antibiotic ointment. Repeat this procedure 2 – 3 times a day until complete healing wounds.

Prevention appearance furunkulov

To reduce the risk of occurrence of abscesses, you must take the following steps:

  • Adhere to hygiene. MY uchastki bodies, at risk of soap or antibacterial agents. Dry it thoroughly.
  • Keep clean and treat any minor skin lesions.
  • Avoid too stiff and tight clothing.

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