Hidradenitis suppurative – Acne conglobata – Apokrinovыe Ugrian – Pyoderma – Disease Velpeau

Description of suppurative hidradenitis sup-

Hidradenitis suppurative (SG), vospalennyn recurrent nodules (small, solid tumors) and cysts (a fluid-filled cavity) armpits, and groin. They can also occur under the breasts and around the nipples and anus.

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Causes of suppurative hidradenitis sup-

Festering hydradenitis begins with blockage of the sweat and sebaceous glands. They accumulate grease and dirt, to induce an immune response of the organism. This leads to the formation of cysts and abscesses. They can burst under the skin and form an abscess. Place lesions may have a bad odor and leave a scar after healing.

Very rarely suppurative hidradenitis it caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. But, HS is different from true staph infections, Calling unrelated, Education unit (eg, boils, carbuncles). Pilonidal'naja cyst can sometimes meet together with purulent gidradenitom, but can also occur separately.

Risk factors

Factors, that increase the likelihood of purulent gidradenita include:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Obesity or obese, combined with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PEC), insulin resistance;
  • Androgen dysfunction (an overabundance of male hormones);
  • Crohn's disease and related disorders;
  • Acne;
  • Taking certain medications (eg, with lithium content);
  • Smoking (hinders healing).

Symptoms of purulent hidradenitis sup-

The presence of the following symptoms does not always indicate the presence of purulent hidradenitis sup-. These symptoms may be caused by other disorders:

  • Painful swellings in the armpits, in the groin, under the breast, around the nipples, or around the anus;
  • Pus from tumors;
  • Unpleasant smell from the affected areas;
  • Scarring;
  • Feeling depressed because of the above symptoms.

We need to see a doctor, before the condition worsens.

Diagnosis suppurative hidradenitis sup-

Diagnosis involves a physical inspection of affected areas, as well as areas of possible occurrence of foci of suppurative hidradenitis sup-.

For uotchneniya diagnosis can be sampled fluid, released from the places of defeat. You may need additional examination by a surgeon and dermatologist.


Depending on the diagnosis and condition of the body can be assigned to different treatments

Hot compresses

This method of treatment is questionable in its effectiveness. It is applied to the affected areas compress, or take a warm bath. It allows you to soften the skin inflammation ipodsushivaet.


Antibiotics can stop inflammation. However, this can reduce the body's resistance to infections.


Kortizon, received orally over several days, It is shown to be effective in the short term. Because of the side effects, This preparation should not be used for a long period. Cortisone can be administered subcutaneously, that can reduce some of the side effects.

Suppressing androgen activity (the male hormone)

Androgen level control also helps get rid of purulent gidradenita. For these purposes the following drugs are used:

  • Cyproterone acetate – used alone or in combination with etinilestradiolom, can suppress acne in women and reduce symptoms;
  • Drospirenone (is part of the contraceptive pill);
  • Flutamid;
  • Finasteride;
  • Dutasterid;
  • Spironolactone.


Small lesions can be removed for a few visits to the doctor. If a heavy defeat, It is possible to, should be removed by a large area of skin. In this case, you may want to transplant skin.

Laser ablation

The laser is used to treat, to delete the defeat.

Biological treatment

Infliximab and etanercept is called “biological drugs”. They are used to treat inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. These drugs show good results in the treatment of severe forms of purulent gidradenita. In some cases, they can cause serious side effects.


To reduce the risk of purulent gidradenita, necessary:

  • Give up smoking;
  • Maintain a healthy weight, and lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • Sometimes you may need to avoid dairy products. Substances, contained in them, can cause GG.

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