Removal of hair on the pubic and in intimate areas: danger of the procedure, how to do it right

Pubic hair is uncomfortable for many people.. However, you still need to be careful, deleting them.

In recent decades, armpit hair removal, legs and intimate areas has become a social standard, although there is no consensus on this.

88 percent of women remove hair in the intimate area. This procedure is promoted by many celebrities., hence she is also known as “Hollywood style”.

The most widely used hair removal tool is without a doubt the razor., because it is cheap to purchase and easy to use at home. The razor removes hair well on not very sensitive parts of the body., like legs. But hair removal in sensitive areas, eg, the genitals, could be a problem.

What is pubic hair for??

Evolutionarily hair is essential, to protect the body from heat and cold. But, because today we (primarily) dressed up, this feature has been deprecated.

Although many consider, that pubic hair is more likely to attract dirt, before they were, like now, natural protection against pathogenic microorganisms in the genital area.

Another not-so-well-known function of pubic hair is the transport of pheromones—sex scents—that signal readiness for mating..

Why Shaving Your Intimate Areas Can Be Dangerous?

Ingrown hair in intimate areas

Like most of you, probably, know, shaving does not permanently remove hair, it just shortens, that's why we have to repeat this process over and over. Shortened hair now has a sharper tip and can pierce and grow back into skin. This may cause pain, irritation, and if you're not careful, you can even see a dermatologist.

Skin irritation and injury

We all know this - the blade suddenly became blunt, and we try to remove the hair, using the razor several times in the same place. However, this leads to skin irritation., and this should be avoided. Also, during shaving, injuries in the form of cuts can occur.. It's not only unaesthetic, but it can also hurt.

Infection when shaving intimate areas

Few know, that shaving their private parts increases the risk of infections, such as genital warts. Since there are many sweat glands in the intimate area, pathogens can thrive here, than in other parts of the body. If minor injuries occur while shaving, pathogens can easily enter, it can even happen during sex!

Genital warts is a possible consequence. They are knot-shaped and may extend into the labia, vagina, urethra and anal area. If they are not treated properly, they can spread and contribute to the development of cervical cancer.

Alternative methods of hair removal in intimate areas

Method, which, usually, is more secure, but also significantly more expensive and painful, consists in hair removal with wax. In this case, they are removed with the roots and grow back much longer..

Sugaring can also be used to remove hair in intimate areas.. This procedure is slightly more expensive., but also more delicate and less painful.

If this is not possible, just be very careful when shaving intimate areas:

  • Try to warm up and moisturize the skin, to prepare her for a shave. This minimizes the risk of irritation and injury..
  • Start with an electric razor. Remove as much hair as possible, before moving on to shaving with a blade.
  • Dry your skin after shaving, but do not rub it - this will prevent irritation.
  • Besides, try to always wear cotton underwear. Bacteria multiply less, than in synthetic materials.

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