Tonometry – Measurement of intraocular pressure (IOP)

Description tonometry

The pressure in the eye is called intraocular pressure (IOP). The tonometer measures the pressure inside the eye.

Тонометрия - Измерение внутриглазного давления (ВГД)

Reasons for tonometry

Elevated intraocular pressure can eye damage. It may be the cause of the disease, nazыvaemogo glaucoma. If left untreated, glaucoma may lead to blindness. The tonometer is used to detect glaucoma. It is also used to monitor the treatment of glaucoma.

Also tonometry reveals ocular hypertension. It arises, when the pressure within the eye increases, but because of glaucoma.

How is tonometry?

There are two main types of tonometry: Non-contact and applanation tonometry metody.Tip conducted will depend on the equipment, an available doctor and his decision on whether the use of a method of measuring intraocular pressure.

Preparing for tonometry

You may be asked to remove the corrective lenses.

Procedure tonometry

With both methods, you will be asked to sit in a chair to the test. You may be asked to put his chin in a special groove and stretch his forehead against the support plate. This will keep your head in the balance.

Non-contact tonometry method

You will be asked to look into the device for tonometry. The air flow is directed into the eye. The device does not come into contact with the eye.

Applanation tonometry and Goldmann tonometry

Before the test, the doctor buries analgesic eye drops. This will numb the eye. The doctor may also drip into the eyes of a small amount of an orange dye. The head is fixed in a stationary state, after which you will be asked to look into the instrument, emitting blue light. Special probe will apply pressure to the eye. The degree of pressing allows the physician to determine the pressure inside the eye. This test does not cause pain, because the eye is anesthetized. Applanation tonometry is considered the most accurate method of measuring pressure.

Another method of applanation tonometry – Use of the portable device in the form of a ballpoint pen. Doctor device presses on the front of the eye, to get pressure readings. It also does not hurt, because the eye is anesthetized.

There are also other devices, are used to check the intraocular pressure. The methods mentioned above are the most common.

After tonometry

Action analgesic drops and passes the dye for 20 minutes. It is important at this time do not rub the eye.

How long will tonometry?

Direct measurement of intraocular pressure takes a few seconds.

Tonometry – Will it hurt?

This test is painless. Some people experience a slight burning or tingling due to the influence of painkillers drops.

Results tonometry

If tonometry was performed to screen for glaucoma, doctor will discuss the results with you and determine treatment, if necessary.

If the procedure is carried out to monitor the effectiveness of glaucoma treatment, the doctor will determine, as decreased intraocular pressure.

Contact your doctor after tonometry

After the test, call your doctor, if I have discomfort in the eyes:

  • Burning;
  • Excessive itching;
  • Swelling;
  • Pink or reddish color of the eyes, which does not pass;
  • Blurred vision;
  • Other eye problems.

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