Types of bone tumors

The doctrine of bone tumors is one of the least developed sections of Clinical Oncology. In the literature, there are no accurate statistics on the incidence and mortality from cancer tumors of bones.

According to the international histological classification, the following types of primary tumors and tumor-like bone diseases:

Bone forming tumors


  • Osteoma
  • Osteoid osteoma
  • Osteoblastoma (Benign osteoblastoma)


  • Osteosarcoma (osteosarcoma)
  • Periosteal osteosarcoma yukstakortikalnaya (parostalnaya sarcoma)

Hryascheobrazuyuschie tumor


  • Xondroma
  • Osteoxondroma (osteochondral exostosis)
  • Xondroʙlastoma (Benign Chondroblastoma, epiphyseal Chondroblastoma)
  • Xondromiksoidnaja fiʙroma


  • Xondrosarkoma
  • Yukstakortikalnaya chondrosarcoma
  • Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma

Giant cell tumor (osteklastoma)

Tumors of the bone marrow

  • Sarkoma Juinga
  • Retikulosarkome bones
  • Lymphoma Bone
  • Myeloma

Vascular tumors


  • Gemangioma
  • Limfangioma
  • Angioneuroma (glomangioma)

Intermediate or undefined

  • Gemangioэndotelioma
  • Gemangiopericitoma


  • Angiosarkoma

Other connective tissue tumors


  • Desmoplastic fibroma
  • Lipoma


  • Fiʙrosarkoma
  • Liposarcoma
  • Malignant mezenhimoma
  • Undifferentiated sarcoma

Other tumors

  • Xordoma
  • "Adamantinoma" long bones
  • Nevrilemmoma (schwannomas, neurinoma)
  • Nevrofibroma

Neklasifitsiruemye tumor

Tumor changes

  • Solitary bone cyst (Easy one-part or a cyst)
  • Aneurysmal bone cyst
  • Yukstaartikulyarnaya bone cyst (intraosseous ganglion)
  • Metaphyseal bone defect (neosteogennaya fibroma)
  • Eosinophilic granuloma
  • Fibroznaya dysplasia
  • "Myositis ossificans"
  • Brown tumor at hyperparathyroidism

The effectiveness of the treatment of tumors largely depends on the timeliness of diagnosis. Clinical diagnosis of malignant bone tumors often presents considerable difficulties. In recent years, for the purpose widely used method biopsy, allowing to determine the nature of the pathological process (tumor, inflammation, etc.). Besides, cytology makes it possible to determine the nature of the tumors (epithelial or non-epithelial), differentiate the primary lesion with secondary.

Puncture bones usually done after careful consideration of the medical history and x-ray evidence, and when a small lesion focus should be carried out under fluoroscopy.

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