Active material: esdepalletrin, Piperonyl butoxide
When ATH: P03AC
CCF: Drug for the treatment of scabies
ICD-10 codes (testimony): B86
When CSF: 10.03
Manufacturer: OMEGA PHARMA FRANCE Laboratories (France)

Pharmaceutical form, composition and packaging

The aerosol for external use in the form of a clear solution of light yellow to dark yellow.

10 g152 g
esdepalletrin (esbiol)66 mg1.008 g
piperonyl butoxide531 mg8.064 g

Excipients: ethanol 96%, makrogliceridy, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, propellant HFA 134a.

152 g – Aluminium aerosol containers with continuous valve (1) – packs cardboard.


Pharmacological action

Combined medication for scabies. Part of the preparation is a neurotoxic poison esdepalletrin insects. The mechanism of action is in violation of the cation exchange membrane of nerve cells. Piperonyl butoxide usilivaet action эsdepalletrina.



Components, are part of the drug, found in the blood of the patient through 1 hours after topical Spregal. Cmax esdepalletrina achieved through 1 hours after treatment; Cmax pyperonyla butoxide – through 2 h after application. Through 24 hour after the drug concentration of its components in the blood plasma is minimal, and in some cases not determined. Through 48 hours after application Spregal no trace of its components in the blood plasma of the patient is not detected.



- Treatment of scabies.


Dosage regimen

The treatment is preferable to start the evening (after 18-19 no), drug acted to overnight. After applying the product should not wash. Before use, carefully shake the bottle. By spray formulation is applied thoroughly to the surface of the body (except for the face and head) on distance 20-30 cm from the skin surface. The drug is first applied to the body, and then on a limb (treated areas begin to shine). Particularly careful preparation is applied between the fingers, Foot, underarms, perineum, all the folds and the affected areas and leave on the skin 12 no. Through 12 h is necessary to wash thoroughly with soap and water and dry.

Usually, single use Spregal enough. However, it should be borne in mind, that even if the effectiveness of the treatment of itching and other symptoms may occur more 8-10 days. If after this period symptoms persist, the drug can be applied again.

When treating children's and baby while spraying the preparation they need to close your nose and mouth with a tissue; in the case of a diaper change is necessary to re-process the entire area of ​​the buttocks. With the localization of scratching on the face they are treated with a cotton swab, dipped Spregal.


Side effect

Local reactions: may cause slight burning sensation, which usually passes quickly.



- Bronchial asthma;

- Obstructive bronchitis;

- Lactation (breast-feeding);

- Hypersensitivity to the drug.

FROM caution prescribed medication during pregnancy.


Pregnancy and lactation

Use of the drug during pregnancy is possible only in case of, when the intended benefits to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

If necessary, use during lactation should abandon breastfeeding during treatment.



The drug should be sprayed in a well-ventilated area.

One bottle of the drug sufficient to treat Spregal 3-4 man.

Avoid contact with the eyes and mucous membranes. In case of contact with the eyes, rinse thoroughly with warm water.

To prevent cross-infection must be treated and bed clothes.

The drug is contraindicated in bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis only for aerosol form. In this case it is possible to apply the drug on the skin with a cotton swab, dipped Spregal.



Currently, cases of drug overdose were reported Spregal.


Drug Interactions

Drug Interactions drug Spregal unknown.


Conditions of supply of pharmacies

The drug is resolved to application as an agent Valium holidays.


Conditions and terms

The drug should be stored out of reach of children at room temperature. Shelf life – 2 year.

The balloon is pressurized: protect from sunlight and do not expose temperature effects over 50 ° C. Do not pierce or burn even after use. Do not spray on flames or incandescent material.

Use and store away from fire, heat and electrical appliances included.

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