Spazmalgon: instructions for using the medicine, structure, Contraindications

Active material: Fenpiveriniya bromide, Metamizole, Pitofenon
When ATH: A03DA02
CCF: Spazmoanalgetik
ICD-10 codes (testimony): K80, K82.8, K91.5, M25.5, M54.3, M54.4, M79.1, M79.2, N23, N94.4, N94.5, R10.4, R51, R52.0, R52.2
When CSF: 03.03
Manufacturer: BALKANPHARMA-DUPNITZA AD (Bulgaria)

Spazmalgon: dosage form, composition and packaging

Pills round, flat, scored on one side, white or nearly white.

1 tab.
Metamizole500 mg
pitofenon (the hydrochloride)5 mg
fenpiveriniya bromide100 g

Excipients: lactose monohydrate, wheat starch, talc, magnesium stearate, gelatin, natriya carbonate.

10 PC. – blisters (2) – packs cardboard.

Spazmalgon: Pharmacological properties

Combined preparation Spazmalgon.
Metamizole has analgesic, antipyretic and weak anti-inflammatory action.
Pitofenone myotropic hydrochloride has a direct effect on the smooth muscles of internal organs.
Fenpiveriniya bromide due to anticholinergic action exerts additional relaxing effect on smooth muscle.
The combination of the three components of the drug leads to mutual Spazmalgon, enhance their pharmacological action, expressed in pain relief, relaxing smooth muscles, lowering an elevated body temperature.

Spazmalgon: Indications for use

Mild to moderate pain with cramps smooth muscles of internal organs - renal colic, spasms of the ureter and bladder, želčnaâ how, enterospasms, dysmenorrhea and other spastic conditions of the internal organs.
It can be used for short-term symptomatic treatment of pain in the joints, neuralgia, işialgii, mialgii.
As an auxiliary means may be used for reducing pain after surgical and diagnostic procedures.
If necessary, medication Spazmalgon can be used to reduce elevated body temperature in cold and other infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Spazmalgon: Contraindications

Hypersensitivity to derivatives of pyrazolone (ʙutadion, triʙuzon), other ingredients Spazmalgon®. Expressions of the liver or kidneys. Integuments. Decompensated heart failure. Closure form of glaucoma. Prostatauxe. Gastro-intestinal obstruction and megacolon. Diseases of the blood. Deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Collaptoid state. Pregnancy. Lactation. Children up to age 6 years.

Spazmalgon: Dosing and Administration

Adults and children senior 15 years 1-2 tablets 2-3 once a day. Preparation Spazmalgon should be taken after meal, drinking water.
The daily dose should not exceed 6 tablets.
The duration of intake no more 5 days.
Increasing Spazmalgon daily dose or duration of treatment is possible only under medical supervision.
Children -only On prescription. The dosage for children 6-8 years - half a tablet, 9-12 year - three-quarters of the tablet, 13-15 years - one tablet 2-3 once a day. Other dosage regimens are possible only after consultation with a doctor.

Spazmalgon: Side effect

At therapeutic doses, the drug is usually well tolerated. Sometimes allergic reactions (skin rash, itch, very rarely - anaphylactic shock), burning sensation in the epigastric region, dry mouth, headache, dizziness, lowering blood pressure, tachycardia, cyanosis. Chronic administration may develop thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis. When propensity to bronchospasm possibly provoking the attack.
Of all the side effects should be reported to your doctor.

Spazmalgon: Interactions with other drugs

Simultaneous use of the drug Spazmalgon with other non-narcotic analgesics can lead to a mutual reinforcement of toxic effects. Tricyclic antidepressants, contraceptives oral, allopurinol violate Metamizole metabolism in the liver and increase its toxicity. Barbiturates, phenylbutazone and other inducers of microsomal liver enzymes weaken action Metamizolum. The simultaneous use of cyclosporin reduces last blood. Sedatives and tranquilizers increase the analgesic effect of the drug Spazmalgon. If necessary, the simultaneous application of these and other medications should consult a physician.

Spazmalgon: Cautions

Carefully and under the supervision of a physician should use the drug Spazmalgon patients with impaired hepatic or renal function, a tendency to hypotension, bronchospasm, as well as increased individual sensitivity to NSAIDs or non-narcotic analgesics.
Prolonged (more than a week) use of the drug is necessary to monitor patterns of peripheral blood and functional state of the liver.
Sometimes metabolites of metamizol may color urine red.
Preparation Spazmalgon It may affect the psychological and physical condition of patients when taken with alcohol and means, CNS depressants.

Spazmalgon: Storage conditions

In a dry and dark place, at 15-25 ° C.
Keep out of the reach of children!

Spazmalgon: Shelf life

3 year. Spazmalgon should not be taken later on the date specified on the package!

Spazmalgon: Terms leave

Spazmalgon available without a prescription.

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