SPAKOVIN (Solution for injection)

Active material: Drotaverine
When ATH: A03AD02
CCF: Myotropic antispasmodic
When CSF: 01.14.05
Manufacturer: M.J.BIOPHARM Pvt.Ltd. (India)

Pharmaceutical form, composition and packaging

Solution for injection1 amp.
Drotaverine hydrochloride20 mg

Excipients: sodium bisulfite (sodium metabisulfite), disodium эdetat, ethanol (no less 6 vol.%), water d / and.

1 ml – vials of dark glass (5) – packings Valium planimetric (5) – packs cardboard.

Solution for injection1 ml1 amp.
Drotaverine hydrochloride20 mg40 mg

Excipients: sodium bisulfite (sodium metabisulfite), disodium эdetat, ethanol (no less 6 vol.%), water d / and.

2 ml – vials of dark glass (5) – packings Valium planimetric (1) – packs cardboard.


Pharmacological action

Myotropic antispasmodic. On chemical structure and pharmacological properties similar to papaverine, but has a strong and long-acting. Reduce intake of Ca2 in smooth muscle cells (It inhibits PDE, It leads to the accumulation of intracellular cAMP). It reduces the tone of smooth muscles of internal organs and intestinal peristalsis, dilates blood vessels. No effect on the autonomic nervous system, It does not penetrate the CNS. It has direct influence on smooth muscle can be used as an antispasmodic in cases, when contraindicated drugs from the group of m-holinoblokatorov (zakrыtougolynaya glaucoma, prostatauxe). The on / in the beginning of the effect of the introduction of – through 2-4 m, maximal effect develops after 30 m.



Prevention and Treatment: spasm of smooth muscles of internal organs (počečnaâ how, želčnaâ how, kišečnaâ how, biliary dyskinesia and gall bladder of hyperkinetic, cholecystitis, postcholecystectomical syndrome); pyelitis; spastic constipation, spasticheskiy colitis, proctitis, tenesmus; pilorospazm, gastroduodenit, peptic ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer (exacerbation, in the complex therapy – for pain, spastic nature). Endartyeriit, spasm of peripheral, cerebral and coronary arteries. Algomenorrhea, threatening miscarriage, threatening preterm delivery; spasm of the cervix during labor, disclosure prolonged throat, afterpains. In carrying out some instrumental studies, holetsistografii.



Hypersensitivity, severe liver and kidney failure; CHF, AV blockade II-III century., cardiogenic shock, Arterial gipotenziya.C caution. Severe coronary atherosclerosis, zakrыtougolynaya glaucoma, prostatic hyperplasia, lactation, pregnancy (I trimester).


Side effects

Dizziness, heartbeat, feeling the heat, increased perspiration, decrease in blood pressure, allergic skin reactions. The on / in the introduction – collapse, OF блокада, Arrhythmia, respiratory depression tsentra.Peredozirovka. Symptoms: in large doses it violates atrioventricular conduction, reduces the excitability of cardiac muscle, can cause heart failure and paralysis of the respiratory center.


Dosing and Administration

Inside, adult – by 40-80 mg 3 once a day; / m, n / a – by 40-80 mg 1-3 once a day. For relief of hepatic and renal colic – in / slow, 40-80 mg. If peripheral vascular spasm drug can be administered / a. Children under 6 years – single dose 10-20 mg, the maximum daily dose – 120 mg; 6-12 s single – 20 mg, the maximum daily dose – 200 mg; multiplicity of purposes – 1-2 once a day.



In the treatment of gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer is used in combination with other. anti-ulcer drugs. During the period of treatment should refrain from driving and occupation, etc.. potentially hazardous activities, require high concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions (during 1 hours after parenteral, especially in / in).



In an application drotaverine can weaken the effect of levodopa antiparkinsonian. It enhances the effect of papaverine, bendazol etc.. antispasmodic (incl. Mr. holinoblokatorov), decrease in blood pressure, caused by tricyclic antidepressants, quinidine and procainamide. Phenobarbital increases the severity of antispasmodic action drotaverine. It reduces the activity of morphine spasmogenic.

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