Cardiopulmonary resuscitation for children from one year to early teens
Description cardiopulmonary resuscitation for children
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (SLR) It makes the child, who is not breathing. The reasons for this may be:
- Trauma;
- Sudden cardiac arrest;
- Stroke (cerebral hemorrhage);
- Burns;
- Suffocation;
- Drowning;
- Electric shock or lightning strike;
- Severe infection;
- Drug Overdose;
- Excessive bleeding;
- Gipotermiя.
The result will depend on the underlying cause and how soon effective CPR was initiated. Many victims can not restore a normal heartbeat after, as the heart stop.
Possible complications during CPR
In some children, it is possible rib fractures during chest compressions. Other complications, such as lung puncture, also possible.
People with weakened bones have a higher risk of fractures during CPR. Nonetheless, a much higher risk of death, if CPR is delayed or done wrong.
How is the cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children?
Description SLR children
When the child suddenly falls or is unconscious, should immediately make sure, that it reacts. We need to pick it up and ask about the health. If the child does not respond, follow these steps::
- We must immediately call an ambulance. For effective emergency assistance should be automatic external defibrillator (AVD). AED is a device, which provides an electric shock the human heart;
If the person is not breathing or only pants, načinaût SLR, Doing chest compressions:
- Palm fall on the lower half of the breast just above the breastbone. It is possible to use one or both hands;
- It is necessary to straighten the arms, lock your elbows and begin to press on the chest in a straight line. Pressing depth should be at least four centimeters;
- We need to do some 100 keystrokes per minute;
- The chest should fully straighten after pressing;
- It is necessary to minimize the interval between contractions.
- With appropriate training in conjunction with CPR to do artificial respiration:
- You need to open the airways, placing one hand on the forehead and lifting the chin with the other hand;
- Tilt your head back slightly, нос пострадавшего зажимается, by mouth to performing CPR begins to breathe air;
- Take two deep breaths to the victim's mouth, until his chest begins to rise. Breaths to do with the rate of about one second each;
- Having two breaths, done 30 taps on the chest. The cycle of two breaths and 30 pressing need to continue to further;
- If you have no experience of CPR, We need to continue to do chest compressions without breaths;
- If there is another person close, you need to take turns doing chest compressions, to avoid fatigue. Если СЛР выполняют два человека, one does 15 pressing the chest, followed by a second two breaths;
You have to do CPR or chest compressions:
- Until then, until the ambulance;
- If it is unsafe;
- The victim regains consciousness and can breathe.
To use the automatic external defibrillator:
- AED to include;
- Next, you need to install pads (“irons”);
- It is necessary to follow the instructions on the screen, to perform discharge. If the discharge is not recommended, you need to get back to doing CPR.
How long will the cardiopulmonary resuscitation baby?
CPR depends on the condition of the child or the time the ambulance entrance.
Повредит ли сердечно-легочная реанимация ребенку?
The patient is unconscious, when performing CPR. The procedure does not hurt the baby. Some victims may complain of pain in the chest after regaining consciousness.
Care after the child CPR
Emergency team will take over care of the affected.
Victims should be taken to the hospital for evaluation of further assistance and.