Moles – Birthmarks

Description of moles

Birthmarks – colored spots on the skin, children are present at birth or appear soon after birth. In more 10 from 100 babies have birthmarks.

Moles are different colors – bright red, pink, brown, and bluish. They can be flat or sculptured. Moles vary in color and appearance.

The most common types of birthmarks include:

Spot color of coffee with milk

This spot light brown. With up to three such spots on the body, usually, fine. The greater the number of spots, perhaps, indicates a disorder, It called neurofibromatosis – genetic disease, causes skin tumors.


Gemangiomы – flat or slightly raised patches, with bright red or bluish color. They can appear anywhere on the body, but often found on the face, head and neck. Hemangiomas are usually present at birth or develop during the first few weeks of life. These birthmarks, usually, rapidly grow during the first 12 months of life. But they stop growing after the first year, and then gradually fade. Hemangiomas may also be found inside the body. There are two types of hemangiomas:

  • Zemlyanichnaya (strawberry) gemangioma – This type of hemangioma, usually, slightly elevated above the skin and has a bright red color. This color is associated with numerous, vasodilation, that are close to the skin surface. These hemangiomas usually go away on their own to ten years (under the age of five years, almost half of children). Most do not require any treatment, if not located in places, where they can disrupt the normal function of the body, eg, around the mouth, nose, eye, throat or anus.
  • Cavernous hemangioma – This type of hemangioma is beneath the skin. They are swollen, than strawberry hemangioma, as well as have a more bluish color. This type of hemangioma is less likely to disappear on their own. Hemangioma on the face of sometimes similar to the symptoms of vascular malformations of the brain, so your doctor may recommend MRT, to make an accurate diagnosis.

"Spots of color salmon"

They are often called “angel kisses” or “Stork bites”. These harmless moles or pale pinkish red color can be detected anywhere on the body of the child, but often they appear on the back of the head and neck. Typically, they are barely visible. For this type of birthmark treatment is not required.

Normal moles

Moles have the form of dark brown or black spots. Almost everyone has a small mole. They usually appear after birth, and in fact it is a small group of colored (pigmented) skin cells.


Mongolian spots

These flat birthmarks on the surface of the skin have a blue-gray color and are often located on the buttocks or at the base of the spine. Mongolian birthmarks are harmless, However, they are sometimes mistaken for bruises. Mongolian spots, usually, disappear at puberty.

Spot colors of port

Spot colors of port – pink, red, or purple spots on the skin. They may be different in size and occur on the face, neck, hands or feet. Large patches of color on the face of port may be signs of Sturge-Weber syndrome, which can result in seizures and intellectual disability.

Congenital hairy nevus

Congenital hairy nevus (giant hairy nevus) It is dark, textured spot, existing at birth. Many of them are covered, at least, partially, hair. They can be very large, covering the abdomen and thighs, or have a smaller size and can be multifocal. This birthmark at some point in life can develop into melanoma. Congenital hairy nevus is removed as far as possible. Depending on the size and location nevus may need to recovery operation, to achieve a good cosmetic result.

Causes of moles

The exact cause of birthmarks is not known.

Risk Factors birthmarks

Factors, which increase the likelihood of moles:

  • Hemangiomas are more common in females and premature babies;
  • Mongolian spots are more common among Asians, Africans, Indians and Hispanics;
  • Cafe au lait spots are more common in African-Americans.

Symptoms of birthmarks

These symptoms, except moles can be caused by other diseases. Tell your doctor, if you have any of them.

Symptoms include:

  • Changes in skin color (skin lighter or darker than usual);
  • Raised or swelling of the skin;
  • Changes in skin texture;
  • Other damage to the skin.


  • May vary in size and appearance;
  • Probably, present at birth or appear in the first few weeks or months of life;
  • Usually found on the face and neck.

Most birthmarks, though cosmetically undesirable, but as a rule, bezvrednы. Nonetheless, stains and hemangiomas color port may lead to some complications:


  • An open wound or ulcer;
  • Unattractive appearance or dysfunction of nearby organs (eg, eye or mouth);
  • Excessive bleeding after injury;
  • Sudden and rapid growth.

Spot colors of port

  • Emotional and social complications;
  • The interference with the function of nearby organs (eg, eye);
  • Problems of growth;
  • Light bleeding.

On rare occasions, moles can become cancerous. Any suspicious pigmented lesion should be examined by a doctor and be under the supervision or removed.

Diagnosis birthmarks

The doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history, and perform a physical examination. Moles, usually, diagnosed on the basis of the appearance of the skin. If there is any suspicion in the diagnosis of moles, laboratory studies can be assigned biopsy, and you may be referred to a dermatologist – doctor, who specializes in skin diseases.

Treatment of birthmarks

Most birthmarks do not require medical attention. Treatment, usually, It recommended in the following cases:

  • Cosmetically undesirable effect;
  • Birthmark causes discomfort and complications;
  • Mole has the potential to develop into a more serious condition, such as tumor (rarely).

Treatment options include the following:

  • Corticosteroids – anti-inflammatory drugs, which can be administered orally or by injection. This is the most common treatment for rapidly growing hemangiomas. Nonetheless, prolonged use of corticosteroids, taken orally, They have a number of risks, including children's growth retardation and increased blood sugar level;
  • Laser therapy – The laser can be used to prevent the growth of hemangiomas and remove hemangiomas and port wine stains color;
  • Surgery – It may be needed to remove pigmented lesions (eg, birthmarks) or remove the scars from other treatments;
  • Cosmetics – there are lots of make-up, that effectively cover up birthmarks. They are sometimes referred to as corrective cosmetics and masking.

For undergoing treatment or observation are important regular checkups by a doctor or dermatologist.

Prevention of moles

There are no methods, allow to prevent the appearance of moles. Birthmarks are congenital and are present at birth or appear in the first few weeks of life.

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