Active material: combined preparation
When ATH: B05XA31
CCF: Plasma-drug
ICD-10 codes (testimony): A40, A41, B18.1, B18.2, I73.0, I73.1, I73.9, I74, I79.2, I82, K73, R57.1, R57.8, R58, T30, T79.4, Z51.4
When CSF:
Manufacturer: YURI-FARM Ltd. (Ukraine)

Pharmaceutical form, composition and packaging

Solution for infusion clear, colorless.

1 l
sorbitol60 g
Sodium lactate 19 g
sodium chloride based on dry solids6 g
calcium chloride100 mg
potassium chloride300 mg
magnesium chloride, based on dry substance200 mg,
On+278.16 mmol
K+4.02 mmol
Ca2+0.9 mmol
Mg2+2.1 mmol
Cl112.69 mmol
CH3CH(OH)COO175.52 mmol
Theoretical osmolarity 900 mOsm / l

Excipients: water d / and.

200 ml – glass bottles (1) – packs cardboard.
400 ml – glass bottles (1) – packs cardboard.


Pharmacological action

Plasma-drug. Has rheological, protivoshokovoe, detoxification, alkalizing effect. The main pharmacologically active agents are sorbitol and sodium lactate. In the liver sorbitol first converted to fructose, which is then converted to glucose, and then to glycogen. Part of sorbitol used for urgent energy needs, the other part is deposited as a reserve in the form of glycogen. Isotonic solution of sorbitol has antiplatelet action and, thus, improves microcirculation and tissue perfusion.

Unlike sodium bicarbonate, Correction of metabolic acidosis with sodium lactate is slower as its inclusion in the metabolism, without causing sharp fluctuations in pH. The action of sodium lactate is manifested through 20-30 minutes after administration.

Sodium chloride – plazmozameshchath means, manifests detoxification and rehydration action. It eliminates the deficiency of sodium and chloride in various pathological conditions.

Calcium chloride eliminates deficiency of calcium ions. Calcium ions are required for the process of transmission of nerve impulses, contraction of skeletal and smooth muscle, Activities infarction, bone formation, clotting. It reduces the permeability of cells and the vascular wall, It prevents the development of inflammatory reactions, increases resistance to infection, and can greatly enhance phagocytosis.

Potassium chloride restores water and electrolyte balance. It shows a negative chrono- and bathmotropic action, high dose – negative for-, dromotropic and mild diuretic effect. It participates in the process of nerve impulses. It increases the content of acetylcholine and causes excitation of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. It improves the process of reduction of skeletal muscle in muscular dystrophy, myasthenia.



Sorbitol quickly included in the overall metabolism, 80-90% which is utilized in the liver and stored as glycogen. 5% is deposited in the brain tissue, heart muscle and skeletal muscle. 6-12% excreted in the urine.

When introduced into the bloodstream of sodium lactate is reacted with carbon dioxide and water, forming sodium bicarbonate, which leads to an increase in alkaline reserve of blood. Active considered only half entered sodium lactate (L isomer), and the other half (Isomer D) It is not metabolized and excreted in the urine.

Sodium chloride is rapidly cleared from the vascular, temporarily increasing bcc. Increases diuresis.



To improve capillary blood flow:

- The prevention and treatment of traumatic, operational, hemolytic, toxic and burn shock;

- In acute blood loss;

- In burn disease;

- Infectious diseases, involving intoxication;

- An exacerbation of chronic hepatitis;

- In sepsis;

- For the preoperative and postoperative period;

- To improve the arterial and venous circulation for the prevention and treatment of thrombosis, tromboflebitov, endartyeriitov, Raynaud's disease.


Dosage regimen

Reosorbilakt® introduced adult in / bolus or infusion.

At traumatic, Burn, postoperative and hemolytic shocks – by 600-1000 ml (10-15 ml / kg body weight) and once again, first jet, then – drop.

At chronic hepatitis – by 400 ml (6-7 ml / kg body weight) drop, again.

At acute blood loss – by 1500-1800 ml (to 25 ml / kg body weight). In this case the infusion Reosorbilakta® recommended for prehospital, specialized in car “First Aid”.

IN preoperatively and after various surgical interventions – dose 400 ml (6-7 ml / kg body weight) drop, once or repeatedly, daily, for 3-5 days.

At tromboobliteriruyuschih blood vessel disease – calculated 8-10 ml / kg body weight, drop, again, in one day. A course of treatment – to 10 infusions.

Children under 6 years administration to the recommended dose rate 10 ml / kg body weight, aged 6 to 12 years – dose, is half the dose for adult, older children 12 years the dose is the same, as for adults.


Side effect

There are: alkalosis, allergic reactions (skin rash, itch).



- Alkalosis;

- In cases, when contraindicated infusion of large volumes of fluid (cerebral hemorrhage, thromboembolism, circulatory decompensation, Article III hypertension.);

- Hypersensitivity to the drug.

FROM caution It should be prescribed to patients with impaired liver function, ulcer, hemorrhagic colitis.


Pregnancy and lactation

Data on the use of the drug Reosorbilakt® Pregnancy and lactation are absent.



The drug is used under the control of parameters of acid-base balance and blood electrolytes, as well as liver function.

To use caution in patients with calculous cholecystitis.



Simtpomy: phenomenon occurs alkalosis, that quickly pass on their own, subject to an immediate cessation of drug administration.


Drug Interactions

Reosorbilakt® should not be mixed with phosphate- and a carbonate-containing solution.

Not used as a carrier solution for other drugs.


Conditions of supply of pharmacies

The drug is released under the prescription.


Conditions and terms

List B. The drug should be stored in a dry, protected from light, reach of children, at a temperature of from 2 ° to 25 ° C.. Shelf life – 2 year.

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