Regidron: instructions for using the medicine, structure, Contraindications

Active material: Sodium chloride, Sodium citrate, Potassium chloride, Dextrose
When ATH: A07CA
CCF: Preparation for rehydration and detoxification for enteral application
ICD-10 codes (testimony): A00, A05, A09, E86, E87.2, K59.1, P78.3
When CSF:
Manufacturer: ORION CORPORATION (Finland)

Regidron: dosage form, composition and packaging

Powder for oral solution white, crystalline, soluble in water; prepared solution is transparent, colorless, without smell, with salty-sweet taste.

1 again.1 l ready-r-ra
sodium chloride3.5 g59.9 mmol
sodium citrate2.9 g11.2 mmol
potassium chloride2.5 g33.5 mmol
dextrose10 g55.5 mmol

Bags made of aluminum foil laminated (4) – packs cardboard.
Bags made of aluminum foil laminated (20) – packs cardboard.

Regidron: pharmachologic effect

The preparation for the correction of energy and electrolyte balance.

Restores the water and electrolyte balance, irregularities in the dehydration; corrects acidosis.

The osmolality of the solution is Regidron 260 mosm / l, pH – 8.2.

Compared with the standard oral rehydration solution, WHO recommended, osmolality Regidron slightly lower (the effectiveness of rehydration solutions with reduced osmolality well proven), sodium concentration is also lower (to prevent the development of hypernatremia), and potassium content above (for faster recovery potassium levels).

Regidron: pharmacokinetics

Data on the pharmacokinetics Regidron missing.

Regidron: testimony

- Restoration of water and electrolyte balance, correction of acidosis in acute diarrhea (vkljuchaja cholera), during thermal lesions, involving violations of water-electrolyte metabolism; prophylaxis – thermal and physical activity, leading to intense sweating;

- Rehydration oral therapy of acute diarrhea with mild (weight loss is 3-5%) or medium (weight loss – 6-10%) degree of dehydration.

Regidron: dosing regimen

One packet is dissolved in 1 l of water, prepared solution is taken orally. If you are unsure, that the water is safe to drink, it should be boiled and cooled before preparing solution. The prepared solution must be stored in a cool place at temperatures between 2 ° to 8 ° C and use within 24 no. The solution can not be added any other components, not to disturb the effect of the drug.

Before treatment, the patient must be weighed, to assess the degree of weight loss and dehydration.

Meals patient or breastfeeding should not interrupt during the oral rehydration therapy should be continued or immediately after the rehydration. It is recommended to avoid food, rich in fats and simple carbohydrates.

To prevent dehydration Regidron reception should begin as soon as the diarrhea. Typically, the drug is used at most 3-4 days, treatment is stopped with the end of diarrhea.

If nausea or vomiting, it is desirable to give the solution chilled in small repeated doses. It is also possible to use a nasogastric tube by a physician.

To regidratacii Regidron taken during the first 6-10 hours in an amount, which is twice the loss of body weight, induced diarrhea. For Example, If weight loss is 400 g, the number of Regidron 800 or g 8.0 dl. During this phase of treatment the use of other fluids is not required.

When continuing diarrhea after correction of dehydration is recommended to enter Regidron, water and other fluids for 24 hours according to the following scheme:

Body Weight (kg)The total amount of liquid required (dl)Regidron (dl)Water (dl)Other liquids (dl)

Regidron: side effects

Under recommended doses side effects are unlikely Regidron. Potentially allergic reactions.

Regidron: Contraindications

- Renal dysfunction;

- Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;

- Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus;

- Unconsciousness;

- Bowel obstruction;

- Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Regidron: Pregnancy and lactation

The recommended doses can be administered Regidron during pregnancy and lactation.

Regidron: Special instructions

Severe dehydration (weight loss >10%, anurija) should be adjusted with the use of funds for the rehydration / v administration, then you can assign Regidron.

Do not exceed the recommended dose, if the need for additional administration of electrolytes is not confirmed by laboratory tests.

The bag of the drug dissolved in Regidron 1 l of water. If the recommended amount is given too concentrated solution, the patient may develop hypernatremia.

The solution can not add sugar. Food can be given immediately after rehydration. Vomiting should wait 10 min and a solution should be drunk slowly, small sips. Patients, who developed dehydration in patients with renal insufficiency, diabetes or other chronic diseases, which interferes with the acid-base, or carbohydrate electrolyte balance, It requires careful monitoring during therapy with Regidron.

In applying the drug Regidron requires medical consultation in the following cases: slowing of speech, rapid fatigue, drowsiness, the patient does not respond to questions, fever over 39 ° C, cessation of urine, the appearance of a liquid bloody stools, diarrhea lasting more than 5 days, sudden cessation of diarrhea and the emergence of severe pain, if home treatment is ineffective and can not.

Effects on ability to drive vehicles and management mechanisms

Regidron does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and management mechanisms.

Regidron: overdose

Symptoms: the introduction of the solution Regidron in bulk or excessive concentration can hypernatremia (weakness, neuromuscular excitement, drowsiness, confusion, coma, sometimes stop breathing); in patients with impaired renal function may develop metabolic alkalosis, which is manifested in reduction of pulmonary ventilation, neuromuscular excitation and tetanic convulsions.

Treatment: in the case of a large overdose requires doctor supervision. Correction fluid and electrolyte balance should be based on laboratory data.

Regidron: drug interaction

Drug interaction Regidron drug has not been studied.

The solution of the drug has a slightly alkaline reaction, therefore may influence the effectiveness of drugs, absorption of which depends on the pH of the intestinal contents.

Diarrhoea alone can change the absorption of many drugs, are absorbed in the small or large intestine, or preparations, in the metabolism which takes place intrahepatic circulation.

Regidron: terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is resolved to application as an agent Valium holidays.

Regidron: terms and conditions of storage

The drug should be stored at room temperature (from 15° to 25°C) out of reach of children. Shelf life - 3 year.

The prepared solution should be stored in the refrigerator (at 2 ° to 8 ° C) no more 24 no.

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