Podophyllum peltatum – Podophyllum peltatum

Perennial herb up to 25-30 cm, families barbarisovыh (Berberidaceae). From drug to use rhizomes.

Подофилл щитовидный - Podophyllum peltatum

Podophyllum peltatum – Chemical composition

Rhizomes plants contain resin podophyllin (about 8 %), consisting of podophyllotoxin and pikropodofillin (the latter is an isomer of podophyllotoxin). It also contains dezoksipodofillotoksin, digidropodofillotoksin, a- и b-пельтатин и кверцетин.

Podophyllum peltatum – Pharmacological properties

Herbal medicines plants, containing resinous substances, isolated from the roots and rhizomes of podophyllum peltatum, have a laxative and choleretic effect, inhibit the activity of the central nervous system, causing a violation of motor activity, shortness of breath, when administered at sub-toxic doses, convulsive state.

The main pharmacological properties podofillina is antitumor activity. Experimental studies have established, that the activity of the resin is caused podofillovoy podophyllotoxin, a- и b-пельтатином. Podophyllin effect on tumor like poison mitozny, inhibiting cell division at metaphase and damaging the cell nucleus, and noted the appearance of a large number of "inhibited" and atypical mitosis.

In experiments with tissue cultures found, podophyllum that much stronger striking malignant tissue, than normal. Influenced podofilla cancer cells, had the characteristic spindle-shaped, become rounded, and the cytoplasm and the nucleus underwent changes (fragmentation, pyknosis), leading to cell death. Podophyllotoxin, according to some authors, in a selective effect on cells of tumor tissue is less effective, than podofillin. The in vivo experiments confirmed these observations.

Antimitotic podophyllin effect due to the presence in it of lactones - podophyllotoxin and its isomers (a- и b-пельтатин, dimetilpodofillotoksin). Glycosides of podophyllotoxin and peltatinov have antimitotic activity, but have lower toxicity compared to aglycones.

In studying the action of podophyllin on tumor transplanted mice (Sarcoma-180 and mammary adenocarcinoma) observed extensive necrosis and specific changes in the structure of cells. There were numerous mitosis, pyknosis and karyorrhexis. The degeneration and vacuolization of the cytoplasm were more pronounced in sarcoma. Histological examination of the tumor tissue after repeated injections podofillina obnarulsivali like old, and fresh necrotic foci.

The study of the influence of podophyllin and podophyllotoxin on ascites tumors in rats and various kinds of experimental sarcomas found, a dose that podophyllin 5 and 10 mg / kg and a dose of podophyllotoxin 10 and 20 mg / kg inhibit the division of tumor cells in metaphase chromosomes and cause accumulation; after 12 hours after drug administration almost all tumor cells are destroyed, but after 24-48 hours of growth. tumors resumed. Nevertheless, the combined use of these drugs in 40-70 % cases hindered the development of malignant growth.

Podophyllum peltatum – Use in medicine

Podophyllin used externally as 25 % oil solution of the treatment genital warts. Patients observed rapid healing without scarring. Positive results were observed in the appointment podofillina as an aid and laryngeal papillomatosis in children.

Besides, podofillin successfully used in the treatment of benign tumors (papillomas) Bladder; in malignant tumors of this localization drug ineffective.

The mechanism of action of podophyllin to explain the different papillomavirus. Some researchers believe, that podofillin, irritating small blood vessels, causing them to spasm, whereby power is disrupted and death of the tissue occurs papillomavirus. Other authors are of the opinion podofillina direct effect on the cells papilloma. This view was confirmed by histological examination, in which marked wrinkled eosinophilic cytoplasm and pyknotic nucleus or cytoplasm basophilic inflated, thickening of the cell walls, decrease in the number or absence of intercellular bridges, peripheral or perinuclear vacuolization of the cytoplasm and nucleus changed, resembling the abortive mitosis ("Podophyllin cells").

In some patients, a marked therapeutic effect observed in the treatment of malignant skin diseases podophyllin. In studying the mechanism of action of podophyllin for this type of tumor has been found, at the same time that the drug affects the nucleus and cytoplasm of cells. For the treatment of neoplastic disease of the internal organs and leukemias by parenteral administration podophyllin not applicable due to the absence antiblastic effect and toxicity when assigning its maximum tolerated dose.

Podophyllum peltatum – Formulations, Dosing and Administration

Podophyllin used as an aid in papillomatosis of the larynx and bladder papillomas.

When laryngeal papillomatosis in children, first papilloma removed surgically, and then 1 once every 2 day lubricated portions mucosal site deletion 15 % alcohol solution podofillina. The course of treatment - 14-16 lubricating. Children up 1 the year should be used with caution. In adults, lubricate the throat 30 % alcohol solution podofillina 10 time, then remove adolescents and again cuticles larynx 20 time. In the absence of an inflammatory response procedures performed daily, with the inflammatory response - 1 every 2-3 days.

For small typical and atypical papillary fibroetiteliomah podofillina suspension is introduced into the bladder. In conjunction with electrocoagulation used for the prevention of recurrence podofillin. Introduced into the bladder through a catheter 1 %, 4 %, 8 % or 12 % podofillina suspension in vaseline oil in the amount of 100 ml for 30-40 minutes or 1-2 hours, one week apart. After infusion of the patient must lie down for a while on one, then on the other side.

When using podofillina felt a burning sensation in the bladder, which takes place after Withdrawal.

If lubricating larynx appear nausea, vomiting, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, further use of the drug is stopped.

When using, (Preparation of solutions, suspensions, etc.. P.) to prevent it from falling on the conjunctiva are encouraged to work with glasses, because the drug irritates the mucous membranes.

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