• Disease symptoms

Bump on the neck, swelling in the neck: What's it, causes, symptoms, diagnostics, treatment, prevention


Neck lump; Lump in the neck Что такое припухлость на шее? The lump on the neck may be a noticeable bulge or swelling,…

  • Disease symptoms

Unexplained weight loss: What's it, causes, symptoms, diagnostics, treatment, prevention


Weight loss - unintentional; Loss of weight; Losing weight without trying; Unexplained weight loss Что такое необъяснимая потеря веса? Neobayasnimaya…

  • Disease symptoms

saddle nose, low nose bridge: What's it, causes, symptoms, diagnostics, treatment, prevention


Low nasal bridge; Saddle nose Что такое низкая переносица? Saddle nose deformity is a condition, при котором наблюдается аномальное

  • Disease symptoms

Numbness and tingling in the body, paraesthesia: What's it, causes, symptoms, diagnostics, treatment, prevention


Numbness and tingling; Sensory loss; Paresthesias; Tingling and numbness; Loss of sensation; Pins and needles sensation Что такое онемение и

  • Disease symptoms

Testicular swelling: What's it, causes, symptoms, diagnostics, treatment, prevention


Testicle lump; Lump in the testicle; Scrotal mass Что такое опухание яичка? Testicular swelling is a condition, при котором одно или

  • Disease symptoms

Loss of muscle function, sarcopenia, paralysis: What's it, causes, symptoms, diagnostics, treatment, prevention


Muscle function loss; Paralysis; Paresis; Loss of movement; Motor dysfunction Что такое потеря мышечной функции? Потеря мышечной функции означает ухудшение

  • Disease symptoms

Limited range of motion: What's it, causes, symptoms, diagnostics, treatment, prevention


Limited range of motion Что такое ограниченный диапазон движения? Limited range of motion is a condition, при котором сустав в организме не

  • Disease symptoms

Lichenification (lichenification) skin: What's it, causes, symptoms, diagnostics, treatment, prevention


What is lichenification? Lichenification (lichenification) - skin condition, characterized by thickened, leathery and rough patches of skin. Это результат хронического раздражения и

  • Disease symptoms

Leukocoria, white pupil reflex: What's it, causes, symptoms, diagnostics, treatment, prevention


Pupil - white spots; Leukocoria Что такое лейкокория? Leukocoria is an abnormal white reflex in the pupil area. Leukocoria, также известная

  • Disease symptoms

knee pain, knee joint: What's it, causes, symptoms, diagnostics, treatment, prevention


Knee pain; Pain - knee Боль в колене – это распространенный симптом, that affects people of all ages. Она может быть

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