Active material: Pyrantel
When ATH: P02CC01
CCF: Worming medication
When CSF: 10.01
Manufacturer: IPCA LABORATORIES Ltd. (India)

Pharmaceutical form, composition and packaging


Suspension orally5 ml
pyrantel pamoate750.5 mg,
which corresponds to the content of pyrantel250 mg

Excipients: sodium methylparaben, sodium propyl, sorbic acid, sucrose, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, sodium chloride, sorbitol 70%, polysorbate 80, Essence Chocolate, essence cream, citric acid monohydrate, Purified water.

10 ml – vials of dark glass (1) Included dimensional cap – packs cardboard.

Pills1 tab.
pyrantel pamoate720.5 mg,
which corresponds to the content of pyrantel250 mg

Excipients: gelatin, Gum arabic, guar gum, starch, sodium methylparaben, sodium propyl, magnesium stearate, Talcum cleared.

3 PC. – strips (1) – packs cardboard.


Pharmacological action

Anthelmintic. In sensitive helminths blocks neuromuscular transmission and causes paralysis of the muscles.

Almost not absorbed in the stomach and intestines derived.

Effective with enterobioze, ankilostomidoze, necatoriasis, tryhotsefaleze (less); It acts as mature, and the immature individuals of both sexes.



  • askaridoz,
  • эnterobyoz,
  • oksiuroz,
  • ankylostomydoz,
  • necatoriasis,
  • tryhotsefalez.

Dosage regimen

When ascariasis and enterobioze, in mixed infestations by these worms – inside (suspension or tablets), single, After breakfast at the rate of 10 mg / kg.

Adults and children over 12 years – 750 mg, body weight more 75 kg – 1 g.

Children from 6 Months before 2 years – 125 mg, 2-6 years – 250 mg, 6-12 years – 500 mg. In order to avoid a repetition rate samoinvazii allowed through 3 weeks after the first dose.

When hookworm, Combined necatoriasis ascaridosis or other. helminth combined lesions appointed within 3 days 10 mg / kg / day or for 2 days – by 20 mg / kg / day.

The separate ascaridosis – 5 mg / kg once.

Tablets must be chewed before swallowing.


Side effect

From the nervous system and sensory organs: headache, dizziness, drowsiness.

From the digestive tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia.

Other: skin rash.



  • hypersensitivity,
  • hepatic failure,
  • pregnancy.

Pregnancy and lactation

The drug is prohibited.



After completing the course you must control study of feces for the presence of worms.



Symptoms: Increased severity of adverse reactions with no signs of severe intoxication.

Treatment: Gastric lavage. Requires monitoring functions of the respiratory and cardiovascular system.


Drug Interactions

Not recommended simultaneous appointment with levamisole and piperazine.

Increasing the concentration of theophylline in plasma


Conditions and terms

Store in a dark place.

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