Active material: Zinc hyaluronate
When ATH: D03AX05
CCF: Drug for the treatment of acne
When CSF:
Manufacturer: Gideon RICHTER-RUS ZAO (Russia)

Pharmaceutical form, composition and packaging

Solution for outdoor use colorless or slightly colored, clear, Coupling.

1 ml1 fl.
Zinc hyaluronate2.05 mg20.5 mg

Excipients: potassium sorbate, sorbitol, water d / and.

10 ml – plastic bottles (1) with dropper – packs cardboard.



Pharmacological action

Etad-8-(2-hydroxyethyl)-amïnoadenïna hydrobromide monohydrate.

Production of purine, stimulator of reparative regeneration of cells. The mechanism of action is associated with the activation of the synthesis of nucleic acids. Accelerates repair processes, primarily in tissues bystroobnovlyayuschihsya (epithelial and hematopoietic).

It reduces swelling, pain, improves visual acuity. Promotes regeneration of corneal defects, scar formation and restoration of the smooth spherical surface of the cornea.





Stimulation of regeneration of the corneal epithelium in various lesions of the eye, involving violation of the integrity of its epithelium:

- Epitheliopathy after infectious and inflammatory diseases;

- Syndrome “dry eyes” (in combination with artificial tear preparations);

- Bullous keratopathy;

- Nachalynaya эpitelialyno-эndotelialynaya dystrophy;

- Epithelial defects after eye surgery (cataract surgery, surgery to the treatment of glaucoma);

- Postoperative destsemetity;

- Recurrent erosion;

- Bacterial ulcers, herpes and fungal etiology (in a combination therapy);

- Burns;

- Keratitis with ulceration and the defeat of the surface layers of the cornea.


Dosage regimen

Locally, in the form of instillation into the conjunctival sac – by 2-3 drops 3 times / day. Depending on the etiology and severity of the body parallel to the capacity of local administration of other specific and symptomatic drugs. The duration of treatment depends on the disease, and should not exceed 10 days. The lack of therapeutic effect when used for a drug 10 days indicates the need for other treatments.


Side effect

Allergic reactions.



- Hypersensitivity.



Freezing of the solution is not allowed.


Drug Interactions

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