Cognitive therapy povedencheskaya

Description cognitive therapies povedencheskoy

Cognitive therapy povedencheskaya (KPT) It is a form of talk therapy. It means, that you discuss your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors with a psychologist. CBT focuses on how, what do you think, It affects the way to feel and act.

Your doctor will help you identify negative thoughts and evaluates, how realistic these thoughts. Then he will teach you renunciation of negative stereotypes of thinking and help develop new, useful skills.

CBT is a solution of personal psychological problems. At the same time, you can not control other people or situations, but will be able to control, how do you personally perceive and react to a particular situation. CBT teaches skills to change your thinking. Она также может помочь вам управлять реакцией на стрессовую ситуацию.

Когнитивно-поведенческая терапия - лечение проблем психики

Causes of cognitive-behavioral therapy

Когнитивно-поведенческая терапия используется для лечения многих проблем со здоровьем. Some of these include:

How is cognitive-behavioral therapy

Before the procedure

There is no specific method of preparation for CBT. You may be asked to complete a questionnaire about their problems and feelings.

Procedure CBT

CBT can be conducted in the form of personal meetings with a doctor or in a group format. CBT can be divided into two parts: functional analysis and skills training.

Function analysis

You and your doctor determine the stressful situation. You can also determine the thoughts, which cause or worsen the situation. These thoughts will then be analyzed in terms of their feasibility and necessity. For Example, your doctor can point out negative thought patterns, such, as “I can not handle this "or" people are laughing at me.”

Skills Training

Further, doctor can help you overcome the unhealthy way of thinking and to learn to think positively. Instead of thinking "I can not handle it", you will learn, how to use their strengths: “I was able to overcome the difficult situation before, so that I can cope with it.”

You will also learn to ask more questions about yourself, Before concluding. For Example, “Maybe these people are laughing at something else, but not me?”. The goal is, to replace irrational thought patterns into positive.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy should be supported by practice. You will often do “homework”. Can practice deep breathing exercises and role-playing games, how to act in certain social situations. For Example, man, dealing with substance abuse can learn methods of non-alcoholic beverages.

Working from home is vital to the success of CBT. You must practice new, rational way of thinking, while it will not replace the previous, unhealthy reaction. Homework also allows you to assign new skills.

How long will the cognitive-behavioral therapy?

The duration of an individual session, usually, 50-100 minutes. Group sessions may last longer. Treatment may be 1-2 once a week for 12-16 weeks.

This general principle. Depending on the situation, treatment period may be longer or shorter. Keep in mind, что избавление от плохих привычек может занять несколько курсов терапии.

After the session cognitive-behavioral therapy

You may be given homework between sessions. You will need to practice techniques, discussed with the therapist.

Some doctors advise to come for a visit in three, six and twelve months after treatment. Besides, you can apply to the therapist as needed.

The results of cognitive-behavioral therapy

The goal of CBT is to change your thought process. This will normally react to difficult situations. Many patients notice improvement within 3-4 weeks beginning CBT.

Contact your doctor after cognitive behavioral therapy

If you thought, feelings, or other difficulties, which led to the beginning of therapy return or worsen, consult a doctor.

If you have thoughts of harming themselves or others, call your doctor immediately or call an ambulance.

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