Active material: Combined cold preparations
When ATH: R05FA
CCF: Drug with antitussive and expectorant
ICD-10 codes (testimony): R05
When CSF:
Manufacturer: OAO Pharmstandard-Leksredstva (Russia)

Pharmaceutical form, composition and packaging

Syrup Brown color, with a characteristic aromatic odor.

5 ml
Codeine phosphate4.5 mg
dry extract Thermopsis10 mg
thick licorice200 mg
liquid extract of thyme1 g

Excipients: sorbitol, nipagin, nipazol, water.

50 ml – vials of dark glass (1) complete with measuring spoon – packs cardboard.
100 ml – vials of dark glass (1) complete with measuring spoon – packs cardboard.
125 ml – vials of dark glass (1) complete with measuring spoon – packs cardboard.


Pharmacological action

Combined cold preparations.

Codeine is an alkaloid of opium phenanthrene series. Opioid agonist. Reduces the excitability of the cough center. To a lesser extent, than morphine, depresses the respiratory center, inhibits peristalsis, less likely to cause cramps, nausea, vomiting, but it can cause constipation. In small doses does not cause respiratory depression, not interfere with the function of the ciliated epithelium and reduces bronchial secretions. Using doses, exceeding recommended, or when long application, codeine may cause drug dependence.

Grass Thermopsis contains isoquinoline alkaloids, stimulating breathing and stimulating the vomiting center. Grass Thermopsis has a strong expectorant action, manifested in elevated secretion of bronchial glands, enhancing the activity of ciliated epithelium and accelerate the evacuation of secretions, the tone of smooth muscles of the bronchi due to central effects vagotropic.

Licorice has expectorant effect due to the content of glycyrrhizin, which stimulates the activity of ciliated epithelium in the trachea and bronchi, It enhances the secretory function of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. It has antispasmodic effect on smooth muscle (by the content of flavonoid compounds). The anti-inflammatory effect is the suppression of inflammatory responses, caused by histamine, serotonin, bradykinin. Glycyrrhizic acid, subjected to metabolic transformations in the body, It has an effect similar to the action of GCS.

The extract of thyme herb contains a mixture of essential oils, an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action due to increased activity of the ciliated epithelium of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, increasing the amount of discharge of secretion of bronchial mucosa, thinning sputum, accelerating its evacuation and breaking the inflammatory attacks. Besides, Thyme has a mild antispasmodic and reparative effects.



The data on the pharmacokinetics Codelac® phyto not provided.



- Symptomatic treatment of dry cough of any etiology in bronchopulmonary diseases.


Dosage regimen

The drug is prescribed inside, depending on age.

AgeDaily dose
Children 2-5 years5 ml
Children 5-8 years10 ml
Children 8-12 years10-15 ml
Children 12-15 years and adults15-20 ml

The daily dose should be divided into 2-3 admission.

The drug should be taken in between meals. Treatment should be short (several days).


Side effect

From the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, constipation.

CNS: headache, drowsiness.

Allergic reactions: itching, hives.



- Respiratory failure;

- Bronchial asthma;

- Concomitant use of morphine-like drugs (buprenorphine, nalʙufin, pentazocin);

- Concomitant use of alcohol;

- Children up to age 2 years;

- Pregnancy;

- Lactation (breast-feeding);

- Hypersensitivity to the drug.

With prolonged use may develop drug dependence.


Pregnancy and lactation

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation (breast-feeding).



With prolonged use may develop drug dependence.

In patients with impaired renal function excretion slowed codeine, so it is advisable to extend the intervals between doses of the drug.

Precautions should be prescribed to patients with increased intracranial pressure.

It should appoint Codelac® phyto simultaneously with expectorant and mucolytic drugs.

Before the appointment of antitussives should clarify the cause of cough due to the possible need for special treatment.

Athletes should be informed, that the preparation contains codeine and doping is.

Prohibited use of alcohol during treatment Codelac® phyto.

Effects on ability to drive vehicles and management mechanisms

In connection with the possibility of sedation during treatment is not recommended to engage in activities, require increased attention and psychomotor speed reactions.



Symptoms: drowsiness, vomiting, headache, itch, decreased coordination movement of the eyeballs with visual impairment, bradipnoé, Arrhythmia, bradycardia, atonic bladder.

Treatment: gastric lavage. Symptomatic treatment, aimed at restoring respiratory and cardiovascular activity (introduction of respiratory analeptics, atropyna, konkurentnogo codeine antagonist - naloxone).


Drug Interactions

Not recommended simultaneous application Codelac® herbal medicine, have a depressing effect on the central nervous system (hypnotics, sedativnыe, antihistamines, opioid analgesics / morphine derivatives /, anxiolytics, antipsychotics) due to increased sedative effect and inhibitory effect on the respiratory center.

With simultaneous use of chloramphenicol inhibits the biotransformation of codeine in the liver and thereby enhances its effect.

In an application with Codeine in high doses of cardiac glycosides (incl. digoksina) can be enhanced, tk. due to the weakening of intestinal peristalsis intensified their absorption.

With simultaneous use of adsorbents, knitting and enveloping means can reduce the absorption of codeine.

With simultaneous use of codeine enhances effect of ethanol on psychomotor functions.


Conditions of supply of pharmacies

The drug is resolved to application as an agent Valium holidays.


Conditions and terms

List B. The drug should be stored in a safe place and away from children at a temperature of 12 ° to 15 ° C. Shelf life - 1 year 6 months.

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