Kislorodnaya therapy – -Therapy

Description oxygen therapy

Kislorodnaya therapy – supply of additional oxygen into the body through the lungs. The procedure is done to increase the level of oxygen in the body.

Кислородная терапия - Оксигенотерапия

Reasons for oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy needed, When the body can not get enough oxygen from normal respiration. The most common procedure is necessary due to the health condition or injury. Causes, in which people need oxygen therapy include:

  • Эmfizema;
  • Chronic bronchitis;
  • Sarkoidoz;
  • Other long-term lung disease.

Possible complications of oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy is safe for the health of the procedure, but during the session, there is a danger of fire. It is important to work with oxygen away from open flames. Besides, no smoking. Also during oxygen therapy no one should smoke around you.

How is the oxygen therapy?

Preparation for the procedure

There are certain requirements, that must be met before the procedure. Doctor, perhaps, Check the level of oxygen in the blood using a pulse oximeter.

Doctor prescribes oxygen as needed. The order will include the necessary amount of oxygen and duration of therapy.

Procedure Oxygen therapy

Oxygen is usually fed through a nasal cannula or a mask. The nasal cannula – tube, that is inserted into the nose. In the presence of fatigue, Oxygen can also be fed via a tube directly into the stoma.

Oxygen supply system is available in three forms:

  • Concentrator – device, which is connected to an electrical outlet and generates oxygen from the air;
  • Compressed gas – portable systems are available in various sizes of steel or aluminum containers;
  • Liquid systems – It includes both large stationary components, and small, portable component to carry oxygen.

How long will the oxygen therapy?

The duration of oxygen therapy is prescribed depending on the condition of your lungs. It may last from a few hours to a day 24 hours per day.

Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions.

Will it hurt during oxygen therapy?

Procedure bezboleznenna.

Contact your doctor after oxygen therapy

Returning home, you need to see a doctor, If the following symptoms:

  • Cough, shortness of breath or chest pain;
  • Gray / blue tint of the skin around the eyes, lips and gums;
  • Sleeping problems;
  • Loss of appetite.

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