GLYUKAGEN 1 mg GipoKit

Active material: Glucagon
When ATH: H04AA01
CCF: Preparation, effect on carbohydrate metabolism
When CSF: 15.01.03
Manufacturer: NOVO NORDISK A/S (Denmark)

Pharmaceutical form, composition and packaging

Lyophylisate for solution for injection as a powder or porous mass of white; prepared solution is transparent, colorless.

1 fl.
glucagon hydrochloride genetically engineered1 mg (1 ME)

Excipients: lactose monohydrate.

Solvent: water d / and (1 ml).

Bottles (1) together with the solvent (syringes 1 PC.) – Plastic Packaging.



Pharmacological action

Pancreatic hormone. The mechanism of action of glucagon is due to its binding to specific receptors of the liver cells, which leads to increased G-protein mediated adenylate cyclase activity and increased cAMP formation. It reinforces the deposited glycogen catabolism and activates gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis. Glucagon has no effect on muscle glycogen, apparently, because of their lack of a glucagon receptor. The pharmacologically active doses of glucagon causes an increase in insulin secretion from β-cells of healthy pancreas.

Glucagon exerts ino- and chronotropic effects on the heart due to increased formation of cAMP (ie. It has the effect of β-agonists like adrenoceptor, but without their involvement).

At high doses of glucagon causes a strong relaxation of the intestine, not mediated by adenylate cyclase.



It is metabolized in the liver, kidney, plasma, tissues. The metabolic products are excreted in the urine. T1/2 is 3-10 m.



Relief of severe hypoglycaemia. For diagnostic purposes – X-ray examination of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract.


Dosage regimen

Apply in /, / m, n / a. For relief of hypoglycaemia in adults and children with a body weight 20-25 kg administered 1 mg; children with lower birth weight – 500 ug dose or the rate of 20-30 mg / kg.

When using for diagnostic purposes, depending on the dose varies from study 500 micrograms to 2 mg.


Side effect

From the digestive system: nausea, vomiting.

Allergic reactions: skin rash, itch.

Cardio-vascular system: rarely – tachycardia, transient increase in blood pressure.



Pheochromocytoma, insuloma, Glucagonoma, Hypersensitivity to glucagon.


Pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and lactation are used only on strict conditions.



To use caution in patients with suspected pheochromocytoma or insula.

It will be appreciated, that glucagon exerts its effect only in the presence of glycogen in the liver, therefore, it is ineffective in patients, are on the reduction diet, with adrenal insufficiency, in chronic hypoglycemia.

Patients, taking beta-blockers, It can be expressed tachycardia and hypertension when administered glucagon.


Drug Interactions

Glucagon usilivaet action peroralynыh antikoagulyantov. Phenytoin inhibits the release of insulin, caused by glucagon.

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