Doppler – Doppler ultrasound

Description Doppler

This test uses sound waves to study the internal organs. It, in particular, It allows to study the motion of the fluid in the blood vessels.

Главные артерии и вены брюшной полости

Reasons for Doppler

Ultrasonic Doppler ultrasound is used:

  • To study the abnormal blood flow and / or heart;
  • To find and assess barriers to blood flow, such, like blood clots;
  • In order to assess the accumulation of plaque inside blood vessels;
  • To monitor the blood flow through the blood vessels during operations, for example during bypass;
  • On examination the baby during a high-risk pregnancy.

Possible complications Doppler

In most cases there are no complications.

How is the Doppler ultrasound?

Preparation for the procedure

Your doctor may order the following:

  • Medical checkup;
  • Blood or urine test.

In some cases, your doctor may instruct you:

  • More moving for 8-12 hours before the test. This will reduce the amount of gas in the intestines and organs easier to see studied;
  • You need to have a full bladder before the test. Maybe, you have to drink six or more glasses of water, and do not go to the toilet;
  • Avoid smoking, because it can affect the test results.

Description Doppler

You will lie on the couch. The doctor will put gel on the studied area of ​​the body. The gel helps the sound waves better distributed between the ultrasound machine and body.

The ultrasound machine has a special tool, called sensor, which looks like a microphone or wand. The sensor is applied to the skin, at the place of use of the gel. The transducer sends sound waves into the body. The waves are bounced off internal organs and as an echo trapped sensor. Echo is transformed into an image, which can be seen on the monitor. The doctor examines the images of interest, and if necessary, may make them photos.

You may be asked to change positions or hold your breath during the exam.

Допплерография - Ультразвуковая допплерография

When Doppler ultrasound

The skin is cleansed of gel. In most cases, you can return to normal activities.

How long will the Doppler ultrasound?

About 20-30 minutes.

Doppler ultrasound – Will it hurt?

No, dopplerography painless.

Doppler results

After the procedure, a radiologist will examine photos. Your doctor will tell you about the results and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Call your doctor after Doppler

After testing, contact your doctor, if symptoms worsen.

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