
Active material: Dexpanthenol, Dimethyl sulfoxide, Heparin natriya
When ATH: C05BA53
CCF: The drug with anti-inflammatory, antiexudativ, analgesic, antithrombotic and improves regeneration tissue action for outdoor use
ICD-10 codes (testimony): I80, I83.2, M15, M65, M70, M71, M75.0, M79.2, T14.0, T14.3
When CSF: 05.03.02
Manufacturer: Merckle GmbH (Germany)

Pharmaceutical form, composition and packaging

Gel for external use homogeneous, clear, to slightly cloudy; colorless, with a characteristic odor.

100 g
Heparin sodium50 000 ME
dexpanthenol2.5 g
dimethyl sulfoxide, 10% N2 ABOUT16.66 g
acc. dimethyl sulfoxide15 g

Excipients: polyacrylic acid, trometamol, cremophor, isopropanol, rosemary oil, alpine pine oil, Oil tsitronellevoe, Purified water.

50 g – aluminum tuba (1) – cardboard boxes.
100 g – aluminum tuba (1) – cardboard boxes.


Pharmacological action

Combined preparation for external use. The action of the drug due to its constituent active ingredients: Heparin sodium, dexpanthenol, dimethyl sulfoxide.

Dimethyl sulfoxide – anti-inflammatory, antiexudative and local analgesic effect. It penetrates through biological membranes (incl. dermal), It promotes deeper penetration of the tissue preparation and the other components simultaneously used drugs.

Heparin – inactivating biogenic amines in tissue, exhibits anti-inflammatory activity, improves microcirculation. Heparin inhibits the action of hyaluronidase, and thereby effectively contributes to the regeneration of connective tissue. After applying the product quickly penetrates the skin (already during the first hours after gel application concentration corresponds to the concentration underlying tissues, which is achieved after the on / in the 5 000 ME geparina).

Dexpanthenol – anti-inflammatory action and dermatoprotektornoe, improves the process of epithelialization and granulation, It stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues. After absorption is transformed into pantothenic acid, which is involved in numerous metabolic processes, As part of coenzyme A. By improving the processes of granulation and epithelialization promotes regeneration of damaged skin.



The data on the pharmacokinetics Dolobene not provided.



- Bruising and inflammation of the soft tissues, muscle, tendons, tendon sheaths, After ligament injuries, squeezing, injuries;

- Neuralgia;

- Injuries to joints sprain or torn ligaments;

- Frozen shoulder, epicondylitis shoulder (“tennis elbow”), tendinitы, tendovaginitы, ʙursitы;

- Arthritis, deformiruyushtiy osteoarthritis (when associated lesions periarticular tissues);

- Superficial thrombophlebitis, sores on the background of chronic venous insufficiency.


Dosage regimen

The drug is applied thinly to the affected areas of skin or on the skin over the painful area, trying to avoid applying the gel directly on wounds and abrasions.

For, to cover the entire surface of an injured knee joint, It is usually enough to squeeze out the gel from the tube strip length 3-4 cm.

The procedure is repeated 2-4 times / day for 7-10 days or until symptoms of the disease (pain, edema, inflammation).

Patients should be warned, what, if during 10 Dolobene days of application does not occur a clear improvement, should see a doctor.


Side effect

Local reactions: common – redness, itch, burning sensation (extending gradually during treatment).

Allergic reactions: sometimes – skin reactions; in a few cases – Immediate allergic reactions (hives, angioedema).

Systemic reactions: rarely – garlic smell from the mouth, change in taste (disappearing after a few minutes).



- Severe liver;

- Severe renal dysfunction;

- Bronchial asthma;

- Expressed disorders of the cardiovascular system (incl. severe angina, myocardial infarction, stroke, expressed general atherosclerosis);

- Pregnancy;

- Lactation;

- Children up to age 5 years;

- Hypersensitivity to the drug.

The drug can not be applied to mucous membranes (eyes, nose, mouth), open wounds or damaged skin (incl. state after irradiation, severe sunburn, fresh postoperative scars).


Pregnancy and lactation

Use of the drug Dolobene contraindicated in pregnancy due to the lack of clinical data, confirming the safety of dimethyl sulfoxide (which is part of the gel) in this period.

IN experimental studies Animal found, that DMSO has a teratogenic effect.

Application Dolobene lactation is contraindicated, as dimethyl sulfoxide is excreted in breast milk.



Before applying Dolobene should thoroughly clean the skin of dirt, Cosmetics, other drugs and chemicals.

When using dressings after applying Dolobene should wait a few minutes, the gel is mainly absorbed into the skin, and alcohol (isopropanol) evaporated. This is especially important in cases, When you apply a bandage bad breathable.

Contact preparation on plots with violation of the integrity of the skin can cause pain reaction due to its composition of the gel isopropanol.

The drug is consumed sparingly, It absorbs quickly and leaves no greasy residue on the skin or clothing.

When applying Dolobene part of the gel isopropanol evaporates and the cooling effect. This effect is enhanced by the application of the gel, stored in the refrigerator, or in a hot season (by increasing the evaporation of alcohol).

Dolobene can be used in ionoforeze. Heparin, part of the gel, with respect to the pH of the skin is an anion. Application of the drug under the cathode improves penetration through the skin of heparin, wherein dimethylsulfoxide exhibits synergism with the effect of electric current (anesthesia, reduction of local edema). During the iontophoresis should be considered, electric shock treatment that can cause local skin irritation. Should carefully follow the operating instructions for devices and always pay attention to the adequacy of coverage of the electrodes with a damp sponge.

Dolobene is a good contact gel during fonoforeza. Dimethyl sulfoxide and heparin supplement ultrasound therapeutic effect.



To date, the cases of drug overdose not described Dolobene.


Drug Interactions

When combined external application Dolobene greatly enhances the penetration of other drugs through the skin.

With simultaneous use of medicines, containing sulindac (NSAIDs), with the drug Dolobene possibility of severe toxic reactions (perifericheskaya neuropathy).


Conditions of supply of pharmacies

The drug is resolved to application as an agent Valium holidays.


Conditions and terms

The drug should be stored out of reach of children at or above 25 ° C. Shelf life – 3 year.

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