Dexpanthenol (When ATH D03AX03)

When ATH:

Pharmacological action.
Anti-inflammatory, dermatoprotektivnoe, catalytic regeneration.


Wounds, cracks, burns, sores, herpes, Dermatitis, itchy and allergic dermatitis, bad skin grafts take root, radiation skin lesions, atony bowel after surgery and childbirth, stretching his gas, paralytic ileus.



Side effects.

Diarrhoeal disorders, allergic reactions; when applied topically: allergic skin reactions.


It may prolong the effect of succinylcholine.

Dosing and Administration.

Locally, 3-4 Times daily. Before use, the vial shaken vigorously. Irrigated affected skin or mucous membrane from a distance of 10-20 cm for 1 from, adjusting the thickness of the foam layer.

Inside (tablets held in the mouth until resorption), in diseases of the mucous is 200-400 mg/day; deficiency of Pantothenic acid is on 100 mg (to 500 mg / day) regardless of the meal, drinking a small amount of liquid.

P /, / m, I / for prevention of postoperative intestinal atony-on 4 ml during the operation and during the early postoperative period; treatment of postoperative intestinal atony-on 4 ml every 6 no, When nerve-ileuse 2 ml, then through 2 h and then through 6 hours before the emergence of independent peristalsis.

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