
Active material: Dexpanthenol
When ATH: D03AX03
CCF: Preparation, improving trophism and tissue regeneration, for outdoor use
When CSF:

Ointment for external application 5% Homogeneous, from white to light yellow in color.

1 g
dexpanthenol50 mg

Excipients: glycerol, vaseline, Nipple, Liquid paraffin, solid paraffin, stearyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, water.

30 g – aluminum tuba (1) – packs cardboard.



Pharmacological action

It refers to the B vitamins, a derivative of pantothenic acid. It plays an important role in the processes of acetylation and oxidation, participates in carbohydrate and fat metabolism, in acetylcholine synthesis, corticosteroids, porphyrins. It has a pronounced effect on the formation and function of epithelial tissue, It has some anti-inflammatory activity.




For oral and topical: inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, nose, larynx, respiratory (including after tonsillectomy), gastric mucosa, paresthesias in neurological diseases, treatment of mucosal defects cervix.

For parenteral administration: post-operative intestinal atony, paralytic ileus, deficiency of pantothenic acid at malabsorption syndrome.

For outdoor use: wounds and burns; Dermatitis, abscesses, boils, bedsores, diaper rash; treatment and prevention of fractures and inflammation of the breast nipple during lactation; Care for babies.


Dosage regimen

Inside adults – 200-400 mg / day. Babies – 100-300 mg / day. Parenteral (n / a, / m, I /) – 500 mg / day.

Dexpanthenol a suckable pastille is applied at a dose 200-600 mg / day.

Topical solution is used to rinse the mouth and throat in the undiluted or diluted (boiling water in the ratio 1:1) form of; inhalation – undiluted; rubbed into the scalp – undiluted or diluted (water or an alcohol in the ratio 1:3) form of.

The ointment or cream applied to the affected skin surface 1 time / day; on the nipple of the breast as a compress impose; in the treatment of mucosal defects os – administered once or several times / day.


Side effect

Rarely: allergic reactions.



Hypersensitivity to dexpanthenol. For parenteral administration – hemophilia, Mechanical bowel obstruction.


Pregnancy and lactation

Perhaps the use of dexpanthenol during pregnancy and lactation (breast-feeding) on indications.



To apply caution in patients with chronic renal failure.


Drug Interactions

With the simultaneous use of parenteral dexpanthenol with antibiotics, barbiturates increases risk of allergic reactions.

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