Barium enema and X-rays of the lower intestine

Description barium enema

Barium – milky liquid, which absorbs the X-rays. Barium is introduced into the intestine through the rectum. This procedure is called an enema. Barium covers the bottom intestine, which makes it easier to see on x-rays this area.

Бариевая клизма и рентген нижних отделов кишечника

The reasons for setting barium enema

With barium enema doctor looking for problems in the lower intestine. Some problems, your doctor may look for, They include:

  • Abnormal Education (Polyps, cancer);
  • Ulcers;
  • Dyvertykulы (small pockets in the wall of the colon);
  • Thickening of the colonic mucosa.

How is a barium enema?

Preparation for the procedure

If the patient is allergic to latex or barium, you need to inform your doctor.

Since the intestines must be empty, up procedure, the doctor may ask the examinee:

  • Drink only clear liquids;
  • Take laxatives;
  • Put an enema with warm water;
  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the day of the analysis.

Procedure setting barium enema

The doctor gently insert a well-lubricated enema tube into your rectum. In some cases, it may be administered injection, to relax the rectum. A solution of barium is introduced through a tube with a balloon. The doctor moves the patient several times, To make sure, Barium that covered the walls of the colon and rectum. Doctor includes X-ray machine and makes a series of shots, after which it is removed enema.

After Test

  • Patients are advised to take a bath and drink a laxative;
  • May feel light and middle abdominal cramping and, perhaps, will have to wait, before you go home;
  • You can return to a normal diet, Unless otherwise stated the doctor;
  • You can return to daily activities;
  • It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids (barium can cause dehydration);
  • Chance of white or gray stool for 2-3 days after test (because barium).

How long will the procedure?

About 1-2 hours

Will it hurt?

It may feel uncomfortable, when the doctor inserts a tube enema. During the test, perhaps bloating and cramps. It may also be a sense of bowel movements.

The results of barium enema

It may take several days, until the test results will be ready. If the results are abnormal, the doctor will recommend:

  • Complete the following test;
  • Offer treatment options.

It is necessary to go to the hospital in the following cases

  • There was severe pain;
  • The inability or failure to undergo a bowel movement gases over two or more days after the procedure;
  • There was bloating;
  • Hemafecia.

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