Audiometria – Hearing Test – Audiology – Audiografiâ

Description audiometry

Audiometria – test, which indicates, how well a person can hear. This test performs an otolaryngologist – doctor, identify and treating the problem, associated with hearing.

Causes of audiometry

This test is done to detect or monitor hearing problems.

How is the audiometry?

Preparation for research

  • The audiologist can ask the following questions:
    • When I started hearing problems;
    • They affect one or both ears;
    • Whether the patient hears ringing in the ears;
    • Have there been any pain or discomfort in your ears;
    • Were there ever ear infections;
    • Were there ever an ear injury;
    • Whether the patient experienced dizziness;
    • If there is a family history of hearing loss;
    • Are there many noise in the workplace;
    • How often the patient is asking people to repeat themselves;
    • Is it difficult to maintain a conversation, when the patient is in a large group or a noisy place;
  • If the test passes child, audiologist may ask about the following:
    • Are there difficulties with speech and language development;
    • Are there any difficulties in school;
    • What is a family history of hearing loss in childhood;
  • The audiologist can do the following:
    • Examine the outer ear for deformation;
    • Examine the ear canal and eardrum using an otoscope (hand tools, equipped with a light source and magnifying lens).

Description of test

There are several types of audiometry, which include:

For adults and older children

Tonal threshold audiometry

This analysis is usually carried out in a soundproof booth. The patient is put on the headphones, prioedinennye to the audiometer – device, which generates sounds of different loudness and frequency. The patient will be asked to answer, if he hears the sound.

The patient may also be asked to wear a special instrument, called a bone oscillator behind each ear. The device sends sound vibrations directly to the inner ear. The patient is again asked to respond each time, when he hears the sound.

Speech audiometry

The patient will wear special headphones, which are broadcast through a simple two-syllable words. The words are transmitted with different sound volume. Examinees are asked to repeat each word or image and.


The probe is inserted into the ear. The apparatus produces various sounds and measures the air pressure in the ear. Analysis shows, how the eardrum bends in response to changes in air pressure and the presence of sounds. The test can help determine the, how well the middle ear is functioning and if there is fluid in it.

For infants and children

Behavioral audiometry

For infants watch, to visible, how they react to certain sounds.

Audiometry with visual reinforcement

A child needs to look at the source of the sound.

Audiometry through games

Sounds variable volume fed through the headphones in your ear. The child is asked to do something with a toy every time, when he hears the sound.

After the examination,

The results of this test are recorded on audiogram – chart or graph, which indicates, how quiet sounds of the examinee can uslyshat.Otolaringolog explores and interprets the results of the tests.

How long will the survey?

Testing time changes. The initial inspection can take 5-10 minutes. More detailed hearing test may take up to an hour.

It will hurt?

When surveyed there is no pain.

The results of audiometry

If test results confirm hearing loss, the doctor determined the treatment options.

It is necessary to go to the hospital in the following cases

  • The patient experiences a prolonged or severe dizziness;
  • There was a further loss of hearing;
  • The ear pain is felt.

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