Pulmonary aspergillosis – status and sputum

The defeat of the bronchi and lungs by fungi, Aspergillus been relatively rare, mainly in terms of occupational exposure - as a result of prolonged contact of working hemp, Rope and spinning and other production material, containing spores of fungi (zalezhavshymsya Sung, fruits, Grain, flour, soil, etc.. d.).

Clinical symptoms of aspergillosis They are not specific and often resemble pulmonary tuberculosis. Sometimes patients with Aspergillus defeat bronchi during cough with phlegm can be released particles the size of a millet grain. A microscopic examination can be seen, they consist of a plexus dichotomous branching filaments of mycelium. It is also found around the green debate, and in some cases - typical conidiophores with swollen head-ends, and on the surface of the visible heads sterigmata, bearing long chains.

Аспергиллез легкого - аспергиллы в мокроте

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